Road to Social Freedom... Introduction

Hey loves. This is my first written piece for ‘Road to Social Freedom’, a documented account/online journal about my interactions with social media. I’ve made paper journal entries prior to this but I want to share some of my experience online with you.

My truth will be revealed in all its rawest form, holding nothing back. Road to Social Freedom is not the place for me to be sensitive to other people’s feelings. By that I mean, I will not be careful of what I say or do in the moment. My overall actions are governed by ‘Harm no one but take no bullshit’. In order for me to grow and thrive, I’m making decisions based on what’s good for MY sake. Therefore, all comments are welcome but I won’t consume anything that doesn’t serve me well. That means all negative and controlling energy from ego driven opinions will fall on deaf ears. I can take constructive criticism but not everything is constructive from others, just conceit. So let’s begin…