About Me

(from bottom left to right: a handmade card from a friend in middle school, a post card from a school mate in in high school, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day “I have A Dream” photo for High Honor Society & poem acknowledgement in elementary school, last page rap verse from longtime then best friend since elementary but knew since daycare (gifted to me the day of our high school graduation), card from work (adulthood).


This is in pursuit of justice because a large number of the Black community has manipulated and abused my freedom for the sake of monetary compensation, social status and fame. I’m placing details about my life that is either necessary to define the character of who I am, what I stand for and the reason for the unjust acts brought against me. It’s also to forsee, an inevitable “I told you so” to the group that is stubbornly unwilling to let go of selfish, possessive and illegal endeavors to exploit and control me. The people I discuss regarding my situation have forcibly placed their self serving, greedy and perverted needs over my own. I am no one’s puppet, slave, or thing. I am a woman deserving of justice by my definition and protection against people, groups, and organizations who desire to harm, harass, and exploit me.

Regardless of the lies, gossip, slander and manipulation the parties pursues during and after this, they cannot erase the years they’ve made me oblivious to the abuse behind my back as they laughed, mocked and profited off me. There’s no fake cover ups they can do or undo to explain why they have maintained isolating me and ostracizing me for YEARS without my knowing, and then when I did feel what’s going on, they double downed in malicious and scheming activities. THAT is what defines who they are and what they care about.

It’s December 24, 2021 and I’ve literally witnessed them reacting, sabotaging in very adolescent and ego submissive ways in order for them to act they’re above it. Chill, we are entitled to our feelings as I am to mine but I’m the only one who didn’t do anything as far as retaliate. Meanwhile, everybody and their aunty decided to do what flying monkeys know how to do best. For ALL the shit they try to come with towards me, in order to provoke or one up their comebacks ended up being the ammo needed to shoot them back down (because it proved how attached, negative and controlling their willing to be. It’s also Venus Retrograde so it’s additionally amusing to see how poorly strangers and individuals I removed myself from react to “You’re not a plus in my life. You’re a minus”. As such, they went off into a campaign of “Well, if we can’t be pluses with you then you can’t be a plus without us”. And the energy continues to be a reminder of the cynical, pandantic, fussy toddlers unable to develop without me. The proof is in the pudding, tweets, gang stalking site or wherever the hell they obsess to watch me. The difference between me and them, is that I am mentioned because I am gang stalked, the topic, the focus, the focal point. When I discuss this, it’s not to brag. It’s not to be boastful. If I was ever proud of it, I’d show it off, especially if I had Leo placements (nothing wrong with this need of attention, it’s not the typical preference when you’ve been preyed on). I will say that I desire being in the spot light on my own time and share my creativity with others who are respectful. They, on the other hand, have literally invested in exploiting me and have even gone as

I’ve been a humble woman all my life. Growing up around narcissists (parents and uncles) and one very caring guardian (my grandmother), I was able to

The scales have been tipped. This whole experience has been an uneven weight on me

With society’s agenda to use me as their cash cow in order to exhibit, exploit, demean,

from my birth place to Hollywood to the government and the world, apparently it’s

Regardless of their smear campaign and tactics used to deflect and dismiss my circumstance, I’m here to revolt and speak out louder

An ugly dude and a dude that is “the face” and an attention seeking whore have banded together to be malicious and spiteful. With several years of distracting me into thinking they weren’t involved and also that the drama is because of petty YouTube beef is the such slimy and underhanded things that have sadly only catapulted into something more monstrous where society and the government themself have decided to partake into turning a Black woman into a entertainment figure to steal content from and get off their porn in the form of: perservance, grief, ego, sexual… ALL WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE AND CONSENT. This is an ongoing battle, I use daily reminders of how disgusting, vile, greedy and immoral society is and behaves. I have no desire to participate in the silly and ill performing behaviors that have committed to but I will call them out. So before investing your two cents about me, know what foundation you stand on and choose to stand behind, woman who has explemified resilience against tyrannical male Nazis and their fleet of flying monkeys or do you sit with band of ego tripping liars, psychopaths and narcissists that are totally obsessed with controlling and toying around a woman who literally wants nothing to do them. It’s December 2021, and right now, there has been campaigns to dissuade the audience to believe that my abuser has raped me and obsessives over my activities + connections, while the other’s just a wild child loser that continually displays he has nothing better to do than be an ongoing leech whether it’s to society or other people. Either way, you will watch me be better than these dips hits who throw their dicks around to exemplify they have an archaic sense of power when they don’t have any real power or control at all because it’s all (or any idc) reactive to my life, my thoughts, my happiness, my activities, any and everything that I fucking do. We are now int he days of technology and development where we’ve graduated from neanderthals. Alas, man can’t excuse their animal obsessions and act as they must blame it on their primal behavior — no accountability, no. They must fully immerse themselves into acting with their emotions AND sticking to it for decades or however long it takes where they feel committed to (because there’s no lesson to be learned. He has too many yes men, including entertainment corporations, government entities, institutions, civilians and even small businesses like astrologers and social media influencers).

As I write my experience throughout this entire ugly experience and share why I cut off people who still enjoy knowing my activities and sabotaging them. So welcome to this site as I witness content, cementing that everyday the people I don’t want to fuck with me are very bitter about that and use insanely unhealthy ways to express that. Meanwhile, I’ve tried my darnedest to mind my business but flying monkeys and narcissists are my walking reminders that I’m better than them in the sense that I' didn’t need to go to these lengths to be a person of such value, even when they lie to save face or pretend to not be bothered by the ongoing effort to know I exist without them. If you’ve read this far, welcome again to the site because you’ve chosen the side that means something more than what my opponents, flying monkeys, narcissists and whatever they wish to call themselves fake display on social media (unprovoked arrogance blended with delusions of superiority, fantasy, and a very false sense of confidence). They might call it what it ain’t but I’ll call it what it is: I’m the talent, the inspiration, the idea, the value system —without me, a lot of people would have been stunted and instead of society growing a fucking conscience, we’re in the armpits of hell, allowing other people to take advantage and abuse others. This has been a domino effect for the insecurities of people that were in my environment.

I’ve had things stripped away from me with no choice but to move forward without them. This is my natural confidence and bravado. This is me, not doing an ongoing perseverance porn at every obstacle but surviving and knowing when it’s sabotaged by micropeen assholes and their dick sucking groupies. My intentions are to reacclimatize back into society and hold my opps and anyone still supporting them accountable for their related actions to oppress and, or harass me. I have nothing against the people who walked away and became disinterested in abusing me after they realized what’s been going on. The things done to me are unforgivable, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna throw it in their faces. I don’t know the specifics of what was said behind my back, but at some point people concluded this behavior and activities were wrong, unethical, cruel and inhumane. Nonetheless, I only have issues with the initiators of this whole ordeal.

In the midst of this, I’ve shared multiple articles in order for my readers or anyone to protect themselves and hopefully avoid these unfortunate situations. There were many people involved but only a number of people remaining— and those that are leftover are the types of people that I would like for you all to be cautious around or weary of.

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.
— George Orwell

The leftover unapologetic narcissists and their proxy will typically behave like this, and it is the prime reason why I wrote articles for potential future targets first— their cavalier tone means they’ll do it again but to someone else. They will exhibit no concern for your welfare and they will aggressively destroy you behind your back but smile in your face.