Why I Won't Date or Be With Marcus Toro Ever Again.

Depending on where you’ve entered into viewing my life, you may have wondered if the continued declaration of Marcus Toro being a rapist is true. Well, it has been almost 9 years ago since that happened and that man continues to this day hold on to my rights, privacy and privilege as if he’s entitled to it. My physical body wasn’t enough, so he continued to molest my entire being, lifestyle and freedom. Since 2013, Marcus Toro has explicitly performed greedy endeavors to overtake my life at his whim and disgustingly done it before the public. So you tell me, does a man who denies he was ever a rapist perform forceful acts over a woman’s life (before I even knew I was exploited); then continues to abuse her rights after she discovers what’s happening? And now, that I’m very, very adamant about my freedom, Marcus thinks that I have romantic feelings for him. Even if I said “I don’t want you. I want nothing to do with you romantically or socially. You disgust me.” he would reply “You don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re mine. I love you. I would never hurt you or do what any of your exes would do to you.”

Let me tell you how aggravatingly revolting it is to deal with a controlling, ugly, stupid human being like that is. Perhaps I can discuss it with you to interpret for him, instead of the many people who kiss his ass and coddle him. Reasons why I’ll never want to be with Marcus Toro ever.


A fucking creepy stalker


The only reason I gave him a shot because he was a rebound after David (both times, we dated once before but ended on good terms). He was an easy call back. I knew he liked me, and I’m not the kind of girl to serial date or sleep around, so I contacted him to get my mind off David because Marcus (before I knew the kind of guy he really is) was a safe and convenient choice. He’s not attractive like David but he seemed mature and funny. He also had a very sensitive side, very depressed about being in the Navy and the recent death of his grandfather. I was a caretaker to a lot of people back then, which made this a horrible trauma bonding situation, something I recognized much later in life. I was easily manipulated and I thought I was safe to just date/talk to him. I wasn’t ready for sex especially after he disclosed about his HPV but I wasn’t given the choice one night. I was inebriated, light weight drinker, and the drink at the party was spiked with a drug (I was told AFTER I took a drink by the girl at the party who gave me the bottle). And yes, Marcus knew which is why I asked to be taken home. For more about this, see video below.

So here we are, I’m faced to choose between a vain, pompous asshole or a deluded hobglobin who literally is the puppeteer of all this bullshit, but has the audacity to say shit like “Oh, i would never hurt you. I would never do xyz like the other people…” but he has. He hasn’t changed a fucking bit. He’s evil, corrupt, vile, and duplicitous. Love requires respect. Shit, LIKE requires some form of respect and CONSENT. He provides neither of those things. Marcus Toro is by far, one of the biggest hypocrites I’ve ever met. He doesn’t like it when people invade his privacy, and he expects others to respect his preferences— I literally put him in his place, when he told me one of the reasons he stopped dating his then-ex was because she was overweight and had a baby (the child cut his time with her). Why is it okay for him or anyone else to have dating preferences (this person shouldn’t have this or look like that, etc.) — a rhetorical question because I ask for no one’s permission on who I can and cannot date.

Marcus Toro can try to fool everyone else about his involvement but I literally observed with the world, him overly taking advantage of me, forcefully inserting himself into my life and disguising it as justice/Chalise hurt my feelings. The many attempts he’s used in order to provoke me, to the point where he no longer has to get his hands dirty because he’s created an army to do it for him his diabolical, conniving, scheming and weak. If that is attractive to you, then YOU should be with him. I don’t need anyone to tell me what I like or don’t like, and I may not know everything that I want but I don’t want Marcus Toro or anyone that’s like him.

LIFESTYLELove Bees Honey