Thanks, I Guess, For Setting Us Back...

What particular people have done or allowed has inspired others to follow suit. The activities were already horrible, evil and cruel yet they didn’t notice or care until the spotlight was turned on them. Now, I’m not putting pressure on those that have seen the error of their ways then stopped and made proper changes— how to recognize you know the error of your ways is by realizing you’re not to harm someone unprovoked in overt ways.

The others who continue to misbehave and act in tyrannical ways, have sabotaged, disrupted and, or ruined the hard work, servitude and success of our elders and history. Unabashedly, people have since become hostile, nasty hearted, cold, hypercritical and insulting for no other reason than to be a domineering and useless nuisance unprovoked. This whole ordeal has been a attempted erasure of African enslavement in American history.

Total lack of accountability, quickness to move on and then further victim blame.

Tell me the Black community doesn’t sound like those that have abused us: No four acres and a mule for me. No instead, it’s get back up on your feet, lace those bootstraps and get to work— forget the past, ignore the abuse and accept the conditions we’ve placed/want to keep you in.


Do you know what it looks like for people to dislike me for my aspirations, interests or just being me, only to like and praise a copied version of me that has done their best to outdo me (but still feel unfulfilled)? What does it look like when hypocrites like the things in others they HATE in those they target? If you saw someone on social media create an all out hate and smear campaign against you but in order to save their ass or just be indifferent, they will support someone by speaking up or retweeting a GoFundMe for a person in similar situations. It looks a lot like performative caring nowadays (also defined as indifference, but in the past it looked a lot like this…


If slaveowners abused Blacks but had drivers, children with their slaves, house slaves, and would socialize with freed Black men, does that make them racist? What do you call Black people who abuse and attempt to oppress their own race for unjust reasons under the laws of the United States?

As main house, drivers or freed slaves, whites still considered all Black people inferior to other races, especially their own. Back then, though it was rare, you could work yourself out of slavery or runaway to the North and become a freed person. Nowadays, you can work your way up the social status or move to another country to establish wealth. My point, through a Jay-Z lyric, is “Light nigga, dark nigga, faux nigga, real nigga/ Rich nigga, poor nigga, house nigga, field nigga/Still nigga, still nigga”. No matter what to this day, from President of the United States to an urban street kid in the ghetto, Black people are identified as exotic, taboo, thug, etc. basically the hint of “this is different and this is less than”. So it’s disappointing to witness the arrogance the modern Black community possesses and the activities, lies, slander and damages they took upon me— which is a slap to the face of African American history. They have literally exhibited behaviors BOTH of the Africans who sold us to the Europeans AND the white American slaveowners. The total lack of accountability, victimization and tactics used to discourage the actions done to me are deplorable and mimic those of the average oppressors of Black and other cultures, including Jews vs Nazis.

And there’s something about people who advocate as if I should WILLINGLY accept slavery like it’s no big deal— funnily enough, I had mentioned this to someone a medical professional on social media who discussed accepting things that we cannot control (see my reply below). She blocked me afterwards, lol. This targeted attempt to allow the cycle of racism, prejudice, injustice and an archaic hate system to continue is preposterous.

So where are we now? Well, people are furious that I don’t accept the conditions of my ancestors now that I have an idea of what the fuck is going on. There’s the fear to “free” me because of they are afraid of potential repercussions for what they did to me, and there’s the jealousy that I will be out in society again to fulfill my goals and desires of living my life in peace and happiness. This was a really stupid, sick and wasteful game to exploit and abuse me publicly in front of the world, but it has shown how much the world can adopt so easily oppressive behaviors and traits and willful to not let it go (like willing to go above and beyond for the ultimate sense of power and authority over someone, because apparently being an employer, official leader, or even a parent isn’t enough. There are people who enjoy being malicious, psychotic and controlling over an individual’s body and human rights. That is what this extremely over due and long nightmare has taught me AND the world. Which is not surprising, why so many in the Black community are now embarrassed and want me especially and the entire world to forget or excuse what has happened (even by using lies).

and the disregard for the shit I survived is likened to that


Let’s also discuss how everyone was comfortable with stealing from me, especially Danielle and her envious personality to take, take and take with no intention of stopping or independently becoming her own person, because of her insecurity and unprovoked agenda towards me. Now of course, the users, abusers, pick men, and destructive entertainment seeking audience have no problem with that, until we mention appropriation or matters to which they or someone they admire has been copied and stolen from. It’s easy to be praised and highlighted for your achievements, energy and “gifts” when it’s been cherry picked off of someone else. When the TRUE talent is no longer pushed down and quieted like our ancestors before us, people like myself are free and unencumbered to exude our GENUINE intelligence, raw and creative genius compared to the synthetic versions our copycats provide.

I have to reiterate this again, because someone’s character doesn’t lie. And I know that we are judged and identified as a group, but I as an individual haven’t oppressed another person through my lifetime of abuse. I have consistently, walked away from abusive environments, only to find myself in another abusive environment, and each time I’ve just moved on with the aspirations and goals to help EVERYONE not go through the shit I experienced, while also not wanting to have anything to do with those who harmed me. I just caught myself because I’m literally doing the same thing right now, lol, like I’m literally writing down a bunch of articles and information at 3:30 AM in the morning to warn and just notify people of the shit to avoid and be wary of. Like, yo, I wrote so much content BEFORE I divulged what was going on with me and my experience with the people who are the ringleaders of my fucked up situation and circumstance. And in the midst of writing this, bitch, I’m done. The freedom, restitution, respect and restoration of my civil and human rights is WELL deserved. The injustice I’ve been through and survived warrants a healthy, beautiful, peaceful, abundant and private retirement— I am the one who is apprehensive with connecting with people again and rightfully so. I am also the one who has seen enough violence and ugliness for a lifetime — I am done. To this day, I STILL don’t want to oppress anyone and my default is separate myself from those who harmed me— and sadly that’s the world. And I know users and abusers will be offended by this, while people who empathize and sympathize would understand. Like no one has confronted me, to my face and told me what the fuck has been going on— to this day, I am addressed by “I don’t know who this goes out to” or they will talk to me to my face, crack jokes, pretend everything’s regular as if they don’t watch me from an app or whatever platform it is that they view my exploits from and talk about me, gossip about me, lust or scheme, etc.— it’s a false connection, a lie yet they expect friendship, relationship, a smile, a conversation, etc. from me. Even Sandra Bland can have her name spoken but mine is silenced and my rights disregarded while I’m still alive. So now, I don’t want to nor have I been the person to want to oppress others or feel the need to do to others exactly what they’ve done to me— I may have briefly and lightly mirrored people (only when I’ve been placed in aggressive circumstances which have all been tethered to Marcus, Danielle and David), but I’m just done with being emotionally available with the world. I expect to have freedom, money and privacy to live out my days mostly recluse and detached from this world. The users and abusers will try to shame and gaslight me in order to encourage I fall in the traps of being abused again, by stating lonely comments, but I have lonely for most of my life apparently. If I cultivate an authentic relationship with someone, it will be on MY time.

Black slave owners selling an enslaved Black person to white colonizers.


LIFESTYLELove Bees Honey