What Happens In the Dark, Comes To Light: Silent Frenemy

I didn’t see it coming at the time, but who would’ve known I was explaining an ex-bestfriend to a T. The collective efforts of family and friends was headlined by a woman who hated my guts but never told me to my face. A woman who was as cowardly as she’s fake, manipulative, self indulgent, self serving, and abusive to a friend who respected her and never harmed nor harassed her. For more info, click HERE.

In case the lettering is too hard to read, here it is…

“Truth be told, I don’t often speak on matters about myself that are discussed by someone else. Instead I either take a screenshot or remember it later to reveal their false predictions/wrong assessments/miserable behavior.

I like seeing how much they don’t know me or my intentions. I like knowing and am reminded that negative people who act fake concerned are the ones who need help (not by me, they can go fuck themselves). They simultaneously exhibit their lack of boundaries in other people’s lives and the following:

•they envy my resilience and growth (these people are competitive in an unhealthy way. Their strengths were developed based on the support of others. Not being a genuinely emotionally independent person like myself intimidates them)

•they have a strong need for the wrong type of attention (high insecurity)

•they lack creativity (negativity and invasiveness is how they thrive/cope or entertain themselves)

•they have a poor sense of self worth.

Then when proven wrong or not getting the attention they seek, they act more vigilant to get a response or double down on wrong opinions without being accountable of their actions. At the end of the day, it’s not my problem or desire to help them or show them their lost ways. They are typically unaware of how pathetic they are. There’s a difference between acting child-like and being childish and neither of those terms represent them. They are undeveloped individuals in limbo between wanting to appear good and loving being irresponsible/lazy with morals and self identity. They have undesirable personalities that make their entire being nothing to envy.”

In hindsight, Danielle’s behaviors were subtle red flags I didn’t recognize until adulthood. I befriended this woman since elementary, and identified her as family since the first day she called me sister. And like with traditional family beliefs, I was conditioned then guilted later on, to accept relatives no matter what. Before social media publicly acknowledged toxicities within the family dynamic, reprimands and judgement like “That’s your blood!” or “We stick together no matter what!” held Black families hostage. And after what I’ve survived and endured, we most certainly will NOT.

Disclaimer I have a unique situation that isn’t typical but I hope that it shows how damaging and toxic a jealous friendship dynamic can be. I am the target of a very mentally unwell woman who has done nothing but create slander, misconduct, and opportunistic ways to abuse me socially, physically, financially, and mentally. This is a woman that’s repeatedly victimized herself, all the while conducting Watch Parties, and group chats about my activities and misfortunes caused by her and people like her insecurities. I’ve moved on, walked away from and cut off people that were not my vibe and had an unattractive relationship with; but what happens when that person, people or group is committed to following you, assaulting you and violating your rights? This is what I’m currently dealing with, and in this post, I’ll be discussing how someone I grew up and called me best friend first has become a secret enemy who wants to see me down for no other reason than because she thinks she can.

Facebook message with Danielle and I.


In a serial cheating spree, David slept with multiple people including his co-worker who was driving crazily behind my car, then alongside and tried to run us off a bridge — a couple days later, I met her at her job, talked to her then punched the shit out of her (in public and in broad daylight). Another person was my brother’s godmother’s niece, and not until recent discovery my then long time (since elementary) best friend, and sister Marketta Mapp. For the record, and I’ve explained multiple times, I don’t seek to fight anyone unless they mess with my life and my money, no man is worth fighting over and I’ve told David “If you want to go, go.”

In March, Danielle told me that he sent her a text and that nothing happened but the situation still made me upset with him— I was glad with her, because I thought she was a loyal friend as I was to her. I didn’t think his text to her was anything romantic, but it was still weird of him to do. I took some Me time for a couple of days, but ALWAYS kept in touch with Danielle. In this time frame (late April), I’m sorting my life out because I was dealing with David issues plus daily responsibilities: my mortgage, my car, school, family, etc. The financial constraints of doing it by myself left me busy (because previously, I had put in money for David’s expenses and violation tickets). It was also a weird time between Danielle and I too because something seemed off. Firstly, she was distant and aloof. Like if I called her, what normally would be answered would go to voicemail and responded to HOURS later, or if I wanted to hang, she wasn’t feeling well or needed to head out (in hindsight, she was dodging me). Eventually, everything eased back into being normal. Thinking about it now, is a big “Wow” moment, but admittedly I was still pretty sheltered and naive— I thought at a young 20’s age my childhood friends and family wouldn’t do this to me. So now, it’s still weird because if she and David are still together then why the fuck do I need to be affiliated, or mentioned in conversations I myself have personally exited out of. People have been hating me for literally NO reason and considered to do an all out campaign to harass and abuse me. And it’s crazy that those people at the helm of it are relatives, people I befriended and dated. Haters have a problem with being called haters, which is no surprise. These people are aptly called haters because of all the people on this Earth that they could watch and criticize, they choose me— who’s been noted by many others that I stay out of drama and mind my business, unless I’m initially and aggressively violated or harassed.

After a while, Danielle was more attentive and overly friendly which I would later find out, this is called a distraction, guilt and lovebombing. I’m normally the one who contacts her first to initiate hanging out, chat or cheering her up, but at the time, I was out of my element because this was the first REAL relationship I had with someone who I lived with, but he cheated on me with other women (I didn’t know yet Danielle or Marketta was apart of the roster). Both Danielle and Marketta’s betrayal for having slept with David several years behind my back, has left me in a targeted situation that I didn’t know they were the ring leaders of until late last year. Their secret animosity towards me seemed more like light cattiness and the copycatting appeared more sisterly, like poking fun, wearing each others’ clothes and twinning. If at any point I addressed them about their antics, they emotionally manipulated the situation. Eventually, their bitterness turned passive aggressive and behind my back. So while people to this day are commenting and criticizing me, while highlighting themselves is really fake and hateful energy. Meanwhile the things I aspired and achieved were always challenged, sabotaged and criticized. It’s very ugly to witness that sort of behavior from people you grew up with or around, honestly. For more content about Marketta’s copycat and two-faced ways, see “Relatives, Ex-Friends...”.

I’m the friend that senses when things are amiss in their life, and then do those things before being asked. I genuinely like to be there for others but ONLY on mutual respectable terms— I do it because I enjoy it. Since Danielle and I were friends, I’ve done my best to fulfill sisterly and best friend responsibilities. As shown below, there have been many times that I’ve exhibited myself as a valuable friend to Danielle (which confuses me to why I’ve been targeted for many evil and mean intentions executed against me by her). Since we met in elementary school, I started by speaking up for her to bullies in places where she wasn’t around, inviting her to my ballet classes, asking her to sleepover and hangout, making sure felt included <Mrs. DeCanzio getting us both a Skip It toy>. Those actions have only continued through the years (popular and pricey gifts to hand her in front of classmates— ie. balloons, candy, talking/lighting up Pikachu, etc. because people were shady about her and my objective was to give her physical symbols of value, inviting her to nice places with me, among other things. I naturally selected 2 people to befriend “for life” and purposely kept my circle small— it took until my 30’s to realize these individuals were not the best for me and I separated myself from them with no regrets.). Into adulthood, I’ve done my due diligence as a best friend by keeping my relationship with others still strong and flourishing, at the same respecting each other’s growth. These people were adopted into my family, so I provided them with the same loyalty and favor. Danielle was provided loyalty, support and admiration that I’ve consistently delivered since childhood. Below are just a few examples of that, including overcoming a fear of flying just to celebrate her birthday milestone.

Continuing to invite her to hang with my other friends (pictured below, David’s sister).

As a friend, you don’t have to tell me what you need or want. I have a natural tact to see a need and then fill it. I won’t step on your toes but I do all things in consideration. Like if I tried something new, I wanted my friends to try it respectively (not everyone was gonna like everything and I had enough friends and family to try which events with who). I knew Danielle liked nice things, so I treated her to her things like her first professional massage at a popular massage chain or Just Because gifts. Even when she started making a larger earning than me, I still enjoyed offering random tokens of appreciation to her. Personally, I felt “it’s the thought that counts”— I genuinely supported her career all the way (as I did with my other friends and family— I’ll go above and beyond for mine). It took AFTER cutting her off that I realized I was being breadcrumbed. Gifts in return, of which I didn’t ask for, were smaller and, or cheaper. I was also more of the risk taker - put aside a fear of flying to have first two times traveling an airplane to see my then best friends respectively, and initiated a daring trip just to drop off gifts during COVID outbreak.


(Above) Was invited to San Francisco trip (her mom “had a connection to a place through her job” is what she told me), so I got a house sitter, bought a ticket to San Francisco and gifted her a matching robe for our girls’ trip with her mom and other friend. On the trip, I was given a USED coffee mug with a stain still in it. I told her “No, thanks.” and rejected that gift. I passed it off like it was nothing but the “gesture” was too disrespectful to forget. I never would’ve done that to her. She later gave me a gift basket with much better items (see picture below).


She was going through a hard situationship with this fuck boy, so I bought her a Valentine’s Day gift, chocolate and a pet fish named Cupid. And when he initially broke her heart, I stood up to him and told him about himself (how his actions are disrespectful and rude to my then friend). Here’s a screenshot of our reminder about one of the V-day gifts.

At a time, I was receiving financial strife, I began to borrow money from three of my friends (happened less than 10 times and I’ve ALWAYS paid interest). Eventually, I cut back on hanging out with people and giving gifts until I could catch up on bills. It turned out that the expenses I had occurred was a result of my family, friends, strangers and exes’ plot to keep me burdened— this was Financial Abuse. I haven’t watched many drama content (movies/TV shows) where a close friend or relative betrays their friend/relative (smiling in their face while having ulterior motives), but Danielle definitely executed the longtime best friend attempting to take copy me, steal my identity, steal my possessions (intellectual property and physical property), and also destroy my health and livelihood behind my back. The energy she puts out is definitely ‘Single White Female’. Pictured below is a screenshot of my appreciation for Danielle BEFORE finding out she: she was sleeping with my ex boyfriend then had him hack my phone and place cameras inside my house, created a YouTube channel that mimics my personality and interests, design a smear campaign and slander my character for years (things she lied about, projected or was a hypocrite for) with family, other friends and even people I didn’t like. The only reason she provided me this surprise visit and basket was to look good in the eyes of the public for something she originally instigated and schemed. I called her days prior because I was becoming overwhelmed with the toxic social media attacks and feelings of being ostracized. What I didn’t know then was that Danielle was at the helm of everything, including group chats helping to encourage the trolling and destroy my mental, social and financial health. Note: This “gesture” is also because recently prior to that, I had offered to take a long drive just to see her and give her a gift to cheer her up at her job (during COVID quarantine).

I have a long history of sharing other people’s businesses or events (photo below) in hopes of encouraging others to support or promote it. I don’t do it expecting the same in return, but I had hoped people I befriended and genuinely clapped for would want the same for me. I didn’t get that type of respect with any of them (but now I know why). It came at a disappointing time much later in life that I saw people didn’t want the best for me— I attracted the wrong crowd. They just wanted to take, take, TAKE then become vengeful if they didn’t have their way.

Included her in my social media (as well as Marketta and David) because she, as well as them, mentioned interest having their own platform. I’m not sure when but the creation of their YouTube, content creation and capital endeavors were never shared with me— I would’ve gladly supported them but then I realized it exposed Danielle and Marketta’s copycat ways and their collective greed and desperation to exploit me. I tagged her but removed it (for obvious reasons) after finding out who she really is.

Below, I started working on a venture for almost a year prior and finally shared it on social media with my friends and family. I didn’t get any shares or promotion from my closest friend and family. When I started my instagram page, I didn’t receive it then either. Instead, Danielle followed me only to copy my intellectual property and invalidate my pursuits (all the while collaborating with others to sabotage and disrupt the production of my businesses). This was a very jealous and hateful attitude from her to have, especially when I’ve done nothing but genuinely praised and supported all her efforts. At that time, I was baffled I was met with defensiveness for getting any support (because she supported others, even social media challenges). I also brought up the ONE time I’ve ever gotten any recognization from her was years after receiving positive public acknowledgements, networking opportunities and a growing following on my YouTube channel, now called Just Bees Honey.

I thought posting a relative product friends could use would be a convenient opportunity for them to share (my eyelash tray above and Danielle’s use of lashes at the bottom). Instead, she passively attacked me and made others publicly shame me for wanting a share or positive comment or genuine support. I received a sympathy Like after the ordeal but still face criticism to this very day.

Danielle promoting and supporting other products and challenges of friends and family.

The “Not everyone will get this” post below was made at my expense as a way to say I’m incompetent for not understanding how results comes from faith and hard work. I unfriended and cut off Danielle months prior that year, so her insecurities increased and became more ugly at this time— covertly, she committed darker schemes with my exes, relatives, authorities and a toxic community to block a lot of my opportunities with other businesses. This was very uncalled for behavior done unprovoked. I also noticed her alliance with a rapist ex of mine’s brother, who made very inappropriate statements to me in the past. This let me knew that she was collaborating with Marcus acting very manipulative and wicked, while pretending to appear caring. The only reason, I saw this was because a mutual friend had Liked it, which showed up on my timeline— who I’ve now unfriended. And the only reason she still attempts to be a negative and toxic individual is because she’s extremely opportunistic, bitter, miserable, and has had a lust for anyone and anything that likes me or that I like— her entire being and attitude is disgusting. I’ve discussed multiple times that’s nothing I want to be around.

It’s very weird to see her proclaim she was a best friend, when she goes on to publicly shade me after several months after I privately told her my feelings and kindly asking if something was the matter. She is seriously an ugly hearted and spiritual being— it’s not sad, it’s pathetic. The fact that someone who is now a stranger spends her days living in pursuit of tearing down a person who was good to her down (because I don’t like that energy) is psychotic and miserable. She’s older than me, pushing 40 with responsibilities and such including the biggest self made chip on her shoulder. Special Note, that my efforts have always consisted of hard work. I spent years collaborating with an expert and researching before developing my design and successfully getting it patented by Princeton University themselves January 2021 <two months before I cut Danielle off and she showed no support even then>— which is a highlight moment of her being hateful to display this energy below...

There’s truly a mental imbalance in this woman who consistently uses the Bible to condemn and make fun of others, then spins around to preach lessons she doesn’t fully value nor practice.

This has all become a dangerous scheme that has shown the true colors of people who thrive off negativity and being insecure. So where are we now? I’ve unfriended Danielle over a year ago and she has since been spreading more lies about me, covertly stealing my ideas, while attempting to victimize herself.

Exploiting me and abusing all my efforts has resulted to mocking me about my social status and income level, in addition to ignoring, downplaying and destroying my health and happiness. There is a weird energy for them to have toward me because I’ve hardly asked for much but when I had (it was always respectful and not self sacrificing), they addressed me with guilt.

Both emotionally & socially, we didn’t have to be at this place. I genuinely tried to work on relationships until it felt too stagnant or toxic. Before cutting off Danielle in March 2021, I asked her and I to FaceTime. I started right off the bat to ask if there’s something wrong between us, because the energy she gave was more aggressive and direct (see Danielle Daniel Saunders: The Copycat article for more information). Realizing the environment wasn’t conducive to my presence and future, I took some time to myself. The following day, I saw a shady post from Danielle and completely decided to never go back and be friends with her ever again. By the end of that year, I learned she’s slept with my then longtime boyfriend for several years behind my back and continued a relationship with him (even pregnancy- see Relative, Ex-Friends… article for more information), literally stole from me, orchestrated a massive smear campaign against me with Marcus Toro (since 2014), copied my patent design, and has an ongoing agenda to stalk me and destroy my livelihood. Yes, I went to the authorities but them and the community are interconnected working together. Their greed has been going on for years behind my back so they believe their self entitlement, titles, and seats of power (off my labor) overpowers my human and citizen’s rights.

In argument of calling Danielle, relatives and other people out, flying monkeys have reared their ugly heads to further demean and ridicule the situation as they run from any responsibility of being accountable. Here is one of the passive aggressive statements: “Can’t let the past go. Refuses to let go of something. Something that happened in the past. Don’t want to see you in a different light. Refuses to see that you changed or grow. “They were like this, they were like that.” Refuses to let go of something. Don’t want to let you win. Bring up something from your past. Somebody is gonna say you were a thief or you stole from them. “Oh they were a thief, they were a ho”…and try to dredge up the past…”

Do you know how cavalier this energy is? I literally wrote an article about certain Black people that are minuses within the community, behaving heavily like a coon and, or disadvantage to the social justice within the collective. Having recently recovered from a poisoning orchestrated by associates affiliated with Danielle TWO DAYS AGO, I find it insulting for anyone to speak on her behalf and say that they’ve changed or is turning a new leaf—ESPECIALLY so suddenly and ignorantly calling it “the past”. In that case, we should forgive and move on, off the bat, when killers/rapists/Ponzi schemers/and other criminals have families, graduate, achieve some sort of accolade and, or say that they’re a new person. This doesn’t happen— in Universal law, this sort of thing is brought to the court before a judge for due justice in respect to the offended party. For the sake of others, I refuse to allow people to be so disinterested about a Black woman’s life and rights. And what better way than to be an example of that, as I fight against an environment that is really toxic and has not earned nor deserves the privilege to be let off so easily. Therefore, I will continue holding Danielle and affiliated individuals/parties responsible for their evil, wicked and corrupt activities until justice is completely served.

The cruel and unusual maliciousness went on for several years behind my back, but it also attracted hundreds of thousands if not more people to participate in crimes that were either racist or aggressively inferior/immature. Any attempt to look over or disrespect the severe abuse I went through is a slap in the face to all future women, and not just Black women. I’ve consistently AND genuinely advocated for the safety and wellbeing of society. The best defense is not allow people like Danielle, my family members and associates to scapegoat me after critically abusing me physically, socially, financially, emotionally and mentally. By doing so, we will be saving many lives, and perhaps even yours as a reader from being taken advantage of or worse. This experience was a traumatic example of what happens when those closest to you betray you for money, exploits and just to be evil. As a reminder, there was nothing I did to these people that was deserving of this— I literally went out my way to be there for people and it almost cost me my life.  It is a personal lesson learned but it’s not something I will fault myself for because this was family and people I grew up who called themselves “best friend”— people who would smile in my face, talk happily to me, hang out with me and pretended to wish me well.  At any point this could be you; and I’m not wishing that on you but I’m literally stating a highly likely probability because an alarming amount of people have gravitated toward taking advantage of others and not caring about it.

An example of this is the horrific story of Renee Hartevelt’s murder. Issei Sagawa was visiting France and killed the only person to befriend him, then ate her. Arrested and sent to a mental facility, Issei was shortly transferred back to Japan where he was pardoned, released and praised. He garnered critical fame and riches for his crimes. Personally, this is a very terrible thing that has happened by a horrible man and the probability of this happening seems more likely now, given the advantages it provides. It’s also scary that people that are disguised as friends or a smiling preacher, a housewife, college graduate, a nurse, politician, celebrity, etc. can severely harm you without remorse.

As I seek rightful universal justice, I ask you how valuable do you think your or your loved ones’ life and freedom is when a person or crowd who wishes to use and abuse you like a slave and, or an object? Make the laws hold Danielle, my family and immediate affiliates accountable for their crimes to avoid further hate and tyranny amongst society.

To this day, I cannot understand how they victimize themselves when they are the ones able to group chat with society and view me in the privacy of my home, performing other crimes for years. If at anytime you question or come face to/with Danielle’s or her proxy manipulation and tactics, remember my experience. Watch how they attempt to slip away from being accountable or refusing to stop what’s happened and still happening? Are they still copying my style, habits, interests and pursuits? Are their proxy excusing this behavior or trying to tether my style, personality and character to theirs (ie. Danielle/Virgo/Cancer/Sagitarrius/Gemini/6H placements… likes to be quirky/<insert something I do/done/recently attempting & admiring>)? Are they deflecting— using jokes at my expense (that they’ve cultivated)? This is beyond having to put up with someone not liking me or establishing boundaries— that’s gaslighting by the way, because what I’m dealing with is a collaborative effort by a tsunami of people (including high profile people) with evil intentions addicted to perseverance porn, crab in a barrel mentality, targeted prejudice, aggressive apathy and indifference. If they EVER inch back or dip a toe into minding my business and attempting to interfere with my boundaries or life, please know their change wasn’t sincere— which then circles back to an attempt to repeat the toxic history against me< WARNING: Don’t give them space to do that because they may test it in the future. Call them out as soon as you see it with no remorse. When you do this, the good deed comes back to you tenfold AND it shows people in your circle/network/community, etc. that you don’t put up with that shit— so they better think twice before seeing them try that with you. I also advise not to let people in YOUR space do that to YOU either. I would speak up for you. Shut their bad energy down, loves.

Love Bees Honey