History of Fighting Back

On the other side of the train tracks, Coons will quickly cut you down to limit all of your efforts to stand up for yourself. What is love, if not to love others is noble but can be at your own peril. When people begin to spit out rhetoric about Love, it is often abused by someone wanting to use you. Consistently, these sort of people become my footstools and will even repeat the things I say shortly after. Perhaps instead of criticizing me, they could keep their stupid mouths shut, or they could protest the activities and behavior of the opposition rather than look foolish having to discuss it later on from personal experience. sighs If I must be the first person to publicly tell you, advertise and be the example* of going against that then so be it. I will not allow users or abusers into my personal space, and I will fight them back tooth and nail until my very last breath. I’m subservient to NO ONE. I serve no one but myself. Having said that, I ally with those that are independent thinkers and are not manipulative, co-dependent, cowardly users that take pleasure in oppressing others. I invite you to read a few things to encourage you to fight back against any power that has unjustly/unfairly tried to overcome your will unprovoked and without due process.

*Being an example means only that, my experience aren’t intended for live action, follow me around and invade my personal space related. My freedom and privacy is still mine and I restrict any and all access from anyone else seeking to abuse it. And that includes my rapist exes who’ve profited off my exploits.

*The Fourteenth Amendent After the Civil War, Congress adopted a number of measures to protect individual rights from interference by the states.

(Fair Warning) When you are abused, especially to the point where your life is on the line, your emotions are valid and your feelings to fight back are justified. Do not let racists, coons, or any other type of user (because abuse can also come, unprovoked, in the form of words to their recipient) manipulate or shame you for defending yourself. “You’re violent and confrontational!” is a remark used to gaslight you, victimize the abuser and vilify you. Abusive people and their proxy will stoop very low in order to blame you for THEIR actions. You are not acting “low vibrational” when faced with a serious threat. You aren’t taking a loss if you’re freedom or life is at stake— your silence and obedience to undeserving people is the REAL loss. Do not be a martyr.

So let them sulk, get upset, pissed off and project, because nothing you do in the name of justified self defense, is a loss. Nothing.

Passage from the National Humanities Center ‘Slave Resistance’ https://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/tserve/freedom/1609-1865/essays/slaveresist.htm

Notable moments in history were recorded of rebellions and slave revolts but none were given triumph until the mutiny on the Amistad.

Oppression and civil rights restrictions have been met with peace then ended in violence. This entirely depends on the group, entity believing they have authority to govern over your or other people’s body. Here is some material that I stand behind, was raised on the belief by my ancestors (grandma) who endured racism, and as someone who’s been mistreated and harmed, I’ve always done what I should in the face of abuse. Even my own mother tried to suck up to me when she saw that I being willful. If I learned to deal with and stop fearing my mother as a child then the repeated cowardice and abuse from the wicked parties in society are nothing, are worth standing up to, and reminded they are insignificant beings that must be stopped, put in their place/down when necessary. The only people to come against us at this time when your life is literally at stake, are the abusers and users (which are still abusers).

This is all about the consequences of those abusing their authority and not learning “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”



Amistad film,

‘Diagraphm of a Slave Ship’ from The British Library Board https://www.bl.uk/learning/timeline/large106661.html

Death of Captain Ferrer, the Captain of the Amistad, July 1839. The New York Public Library

The Amistad Legal Battle, The National Park Service (https://www.nps.gov/articles/amistad-legal-battle.htm) The African captive’s defense was organized by the Amistad Committee - a group of local abolitionists. In November 1841, two years after their initial capture, Sengbe Pieh and the 34 other surviving captives returned to Mendeland on the ship Gentleman. Funds for the trip were raised by the Amistad Committee. The Amistad court case is credited with being the first civil rights case in the United States. The positive ruling on the side of the captive Africans gave strength to the abolitionist movement. It went from being a fragmented group to a legitimate movement, and the Amistad case helped centralize their message about the injustice of slavery.






George Floyd, Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, and Elijah McClain among others were victims of painful, and unnecessary deaths. Too many times, law enforcement have abused their power in order to restrain and apprehend suspects with deadly overt force.

Protestors demonstrate outside a burning fast food restaurant in Minneapolis on May 29. John Minchillo/AP

The people seeing you abused & telling you not to fight back are abusers themselves. ‘If you are silent about your pain, they’ll kill you and say you enjoyed it.’ -Zora Neale Hurston
When you speak out, they’ll quiet you and if you fight back, they’ll call you violent. There’s no honor in being a victim or martyr to people who try to oppress or murder you.

So who do you want to fight back?

Love Bees Honey