People Disguised as Helpful or a Friend...

Currently, I’m dealing with a bunch of users. And there are people pretending to be helpful, only to keep things in a very toxic and abusive cycle that keeps me entwined with their greedy bullshit agenda. My case has been been tracked for over two years with enough circumstantial information and quantifiable evidence compared to other cases that’s deserving of help from both local and federal authorities.

The loop that “The government is on it” or help is on the way is intended only to keep me bound, compliant and busy until they come (but they don’t and they never intended to) which is disgustingly interrupted with drama only suitable for HORRIBLE TV drama — this is really disappointing and vile because it describes the personality and interests of these low rent and toxic people that are apart of this whole facade. These are the kind of people who I wouldn’t befriend or want anything to do with, ever. It’s also insulting because I can clearly see the intelligence gap between me and them and the games they’re playing. It is very comparable to tolerating playing with adolescent children who are not yet ready to grow up (regarding important matters) or when you tell them story time’s over.


The ‘Some People Act Like They Need Your Help’ falls in the category of the narcissist/abuser that victimizes themselves after they are exposed, only to further be free to abuse the target again.