
Let’s see, let’s see what shall I discuss first. Do I write a list, go in that order— no and give opps an advantage to save their asses when it comes avoiding accountability. No…no. I’m not even interested in logging on to Twitter to see them passively discuss their feelings of not caring but caring as they state not to care in a “let’s focus on forwardness or positivity” bullshit. It’ll be something, someone who will find themselves in a karmic situation will steal bits of my life and experience to victimize themselves from, I can assure you. But today, they’re going pretend to be love and light, fake mature (as they continue to gossip and feel entitled to my privacy of which they don’t contribute to), “better than this”/repulsed by “unnecessary drama” (oppression and injustice is now unnecessary drama to them until it happens to them).

In this journey, this place, I’ve made it to discuss what the hell’s going on by being fully transparent. Now I know when dealing with a narcissist that this can put me in hot water because they lie and deflect back to me all the time but I’m doing this for me and for anyone I should meet personally in the future. This is my consistent display of accountability and disclosing information that should’ve ended a long time ago. I recognize that my narcissist and their flying monkeys have an agenda that’s not even about his or anyone else’s hurt feelings. You hear the expression “hurt people hurt people” then perhaps wonder why those people with family, friends, resources enjoy a lifelong petty tactic of lies and deceit and games in attempt to control me. That’s all it is, the illusion of power and nothing more. People feel like they have this grandiose importance of themselves by controlling others, which is why they become parents, preachers, managers, some sort of authoritative figure who instruct others and can punish them if they talk out against them or just say something the “leader” doesn’t like (high God complex, obsessed with controlling others and stalking them). This has nothing to do with their fake hurt feelings for shit they initiated or lied about; and instead has all to do with controlling me for entertainment and egoistic purposes. I’m not new to this, in fact, I grew up around this energy and did my best to either work around it or avoid it all together. But instead of people being considerate, adapting emotional intelligence or even having common sense, they confused my patience, compassion, willingness to understand, and then a short period of light examples of mirroring in order to get my point across for weakness. At this point, I’m completely fed up with society’s lack of accountability, abuse and bullshit.

In these articles to come, I’ll be explaining how much of a desirable bitch I’m gonna be by going out like this with full transparency. I say “bitch” because that’s what people define women who stand up for themselves in such a manner that makes them question their own confidence (without the backbone of others’ holding them up). Now I don’t want to be evil — I’m not gonna discuss particular details about people’s lives unless it supports my message but I will be discussing talking points that addresses my reaction and taking accountability of it, yet it still didn’t deserve any of this bs that I’m experiencing now. I need to, for my own sake, say my piece then peace about this situation that has been a giant mind fuck. Society and dudes have cultivated a Snakes & Ladder game for me to uncover the insecurities within men and women, so here it goes. As I disclose this information, I will be updating my content with photos. I’ll have to go back through YEARSSS of photos, videos and recordings because I have been saving information knowing that it would “save me” one day. After dealing with a lifetime of gaslighting and manipulation from other people, when I was younger, I made the decision to keep records of what I experience.

This will also take some time because drama exhausts me. Even when I was mirroring, I always felt bad for hurting others (I don’t know who needs to run the tape back but history has shown I’ve always been the person to become extremely tired after eventually snapping back when continually provoked. And when it dawned on me how much my opps liked that, I withdrew because they didn’t learn the lesson). Even still, I have emotional difficulty dredging up dramatic moments and traumatic events because my childhood environment was abusive and now that I don’t have any love or direct support (other than from myself) I withdraw all my strength from me.

We will be going through the experiences I’ve had to deal with and am currently dealing with because of very caustic and callous individuals. Now mind you, in order to save their asses, their retort is something along the lines of “when someone goes low, they’ll go lower” and that’s not an acceptable response to the bs I’ve endured, particularly when they themselves have a history of complaining when such behaviors happen to them with other people. I digress and move forward with creating this platform to speak out and share my situation with my readers.