The Wall of Audacity

They’re salty, but forget I’m a mountain goat. Inside the salt mine’s the wall of audacity, the workings of people unsettled and bothered by my existence (they’ll say not everything’s about me to minimize the gravity of their anger, activities, gang stalking and making indirect statements about me…). Click here for why it’s important to keep tabs on your reputation.

These are people who will probably go on for the rest of their lives to still hate on me and stay relevant— that’s not my concern, nor are the people that are triangulating the information. But for you, dear reader and possible target, I'm leaving you some very sound advice of people who have the audacity to triangulate incorrect information about myself from some very hateful and ugly hearted individuals.

“Afraid to ask for help”: This is a gaslighting tactic towards me and a lie for society. I’ve asked for assistance and help on multiple occasions. There’s been times I’ve reached out to others to resolve issues, and people have either pretended they didn’t know what I was talking about or just ignore me.

“Crazy”: In order to justify having cameras on my property without my knowledge or consent, relatives and associates have stated they were concerned about my mental health. Does it not seem crazy to place surveillance cameras in a grown woman’s home then share it with the world to humiliate, stalk, lust after her, and pocket money from it? I’ve been celibate for a few years, but this activity has been going on for several years— at least 7 to 8 years. So that would mean, they’ve watched me have sex with my then-boyfriend, eat, sleep, shower, use the toilet, and even recorded visitors using the bathroom as well— which to note that would include my then underage brother Jeffrey (I do believe that would be considered child pornography). Apparently being recorded for almost a decade wasn’t sufficient enough to fully diagnose and prescribe me a healthy lifestyle routine, even after INTENTIONALLY causing repetitive disruptions in my life (sugar in my car tank, break ins, gang stalking, doing nasty things to my food and drink while I was away at work/errands/etc., abusing my cats, messing with my products, poisoning my food, and destroying property, financial abuse, stolen identity, and stealing things from my house, among other things). Under what conditions would a healthy community want to approach me with GENUINE care instead of abusing their access to my private life, exploiting me, playing God and threatening my life? Clearly, the crazy ones are them. What is most annoying are the many self entitled folks who thought it was okay to passively mock or discuss my life and “solutions” to problems they collaborated to cause.

Lazy and guilted to “Work Harder/Have Discipline” (while opps throw stones & hide hands): There are some really negative, looking ass and projecting people out there who are accomplices with sabotaging and stalling my endeavors— but what they don’t tell you (well most of you) are the underhanded things in order to create perseverance porn. It is a disgusting and abusive tactic to which controlling people wish to extract as much energy or productivity from you as possible for their own benefit. These types of people are truly succubus. In all the years I’ve exhibited being a hard worker, I’ve also discerned when to pull back or completely reserve myself at the absence or lack of reciprocity/reward. Pictured below, one of the people who’s had a hand in being a miserable and obsessive troll (even AFTER I cut her off) has decided to continue, to this day, to discuss my work ethic to others. Danielle and her associates conducted multiple interferences, PLUS attracted other greedy and self-serving people/entities to comply (it’s messy, childish, unattractive and a cancer to anyone who participates in this low level negativity). The Arbeit Macht Frei written across a Nazi camp gate means “Work Will Set You Free”. It is a tongue in cheek statement during the Holocaust, intended to convince enslaved and oppressed Jews to LITERALLY work until their death (where they will then find freedom). And the work entailed everything at the Nazi’s whim, being experimented on and any personal pursuits Nazis would found valuable and or useful. In Black culture, being overburdened and overworked is tied to Christianity, so if you’re not working, you’re displeasing God, your faith, church, community, family, etc. Luckily for me, I cut off every motherfucker in 2021 (my personal social media accounts are only Active to collect receipts). And for almost 10 years I have since separated from churches and strict doctrines. I’m a spiritual being who believes in, love and respects God but doesn’t adhere to the convoluted dictations of evil and wicked people abusing the Bible. Lastly, but certainly not least, American slavery is a longstanding painful remnant of present Black people’s initial injustice. WORK was the only purpose that our ancestors were to fulfill. The severity of punishments for being a slave were so grotesque, cruel and wicked, that history books and media omitted from sharing them. Nonetheless, the activities between Nazis, American history and the parties who tried to oppress me are one in the same. Their toxic and controlling behavior have tried many times to manipulate me and society into believing hard work and discipline is the end all be all to our problems. Not only is that statement untrue because of social and racial biases, but it is also unjust to people possessing mental health and related disabilities. Perhaps if these people weren’t so insecure, mediocre, threatened and instead respected other people/talents different from their own (instead of pretend to) then maybe I wouldn’t be exposing them as the vile, worthless and bottom tier versions they still are today.

For people to call ME lazy is always a laugh and immediate projection. The things I’ve endured, survived and worked for have been at the covert commands of negative and miserably sad people who’ve exploited, profited and found entertainment off my work efforts. It should look embarrassing for them and anyone to support their bullshit when you’ve obviously witnessed Danielle, relatives and others copycat off my work, YouTube channels, ideas and even to have sex or date someone that I was in a relationship first and broke up with. Truly the only lazy people are the ones criticizing me.

Aggressive What warrants “scary abuse” to everyone? I truly wonder, because the things I’ve seen from others seems far more distasteful and senseless. What kind of mental health issues and unstableness produces them to think assaulting people for superficial reasons (words, nothing threatening or physical) is okay? And is a person considered healthy if they like to hang around people who abuse women and children (especially children— I thought Danielle was a good auntie once upon a time but she has a liking to hang out and participate in activities that aren’t upstanding, yet another reason I cut her off. After which, I found the following information out below.)

And yes, I can be a direct, confrontational and physical person when someone intentionally goes out their way to harm or just harm me/my loved ones. I expressed, on many occasions, patience that would humble Jesus himself, but when someone comes for me, it WILL be shown.

Addressed as “Fat” and other overweight comments, plus constantly mentioned alcoholism: As I clutch my pearls, I wonder how someone can be so blind that she can call me fat and an alcoholic when she’s been more overweight than me most of our lives and can drink me under the table/has had a long history of drinking problems— special note: during the pandemic, the term lush cannot even describe the type of whining whino she is. (photos below: drinks, drinks, obesity and drinks)



“Messy” and unclean rooms: Considering I don’t have any excuse for having an untidy room because I dunno I want to and the stressful and dangerous circumstance (placed on me by my critics) isn’t an excuse then I won’t offer Danielle exclusively for being a sloppy mess since even before this photo. Other college students shall get a pass obviously but it looks really strange that Danielle is the super critical bully that she is and doesn’t possess grace to hide her hands completely when she throws stones. Special note: Money that she stole and received off my exploits has given her such a jaded view of anything that involves me even when I cut her off and dumped her as a friend in 2021.


(photos above) They sure do love lying, slander, misdirection and projections.

Since this is my first ‘Wall of Audacity’ post, I figure I should discuss why I’m even doing this in the first place. This not only reminds me to continue grey rocking but it connects me to that younger part of myself who had to deal with severe narcissists. There were times when my aggressive narc would do things which karma would come right back at them very HARD. In addition to that, I like to remember where people’s natural karma came from, like “Oh yes, you did or said this”. Is it petty? Debatable. It definitely kept me in check since I was a kid to treat people how I wish to be treated, which is why I try not to react to folks until I’ve been overly provoke but now I witness that it’s better to call people’s ugly behaviors out early. My site is cathartic and this record keeping is a reminder of their contradictory behavior whenever they say I’m not a topic, or unimportant, or any other devaluing remark, I’ll have these as evidence.

Well they’re certainly troubling themselves being bothered. I witnessed today a few spaces that tried to act as a third party for my narcissists. It did nothing but cement the fact, I already knew, that I was handled by a narcissist who still loves using triangulation as a tactic. Not only that, but I had women who favored misogyny because they threw in a bit of victim blaming for good measure. When I requested to speak, I was placed on a very, very long hold. As the rants continued, I decided to MUTE the conversation until I was allowed to become a speaker. I left the platform immediately and then practiced it again once I entered another Space. They believe now that I should sit and listen to them go on and on how my experience is entirely my fault and that I should push on —- totally missing the big picture of how this disrespects woman’s rights and that a man’s behavior is his own responsibility…there’s so many illegal and evident topics that should’ve been discussed but it was only “pick me” nonsense, lack of social awareness and victim blaming. I did my inner work and I think women are upset that a lot of them haven’t and would rather yell at the woman being abused then serve a left titty for the male abuser. It’s more than pathetic, it’s seriously alarming for the future of the world. Women are literally giving the green light to male’s immature behavior. Speaking of which, I screenshot a Space with 145 listeners that was literally titled #MENONLY Bodycounts & Manipulation (a space that teaches men to attract, the Host’s words, “women who act like ‘Gone Girl’”). UPDATE: Babyyy, lol, it took them a hour to find a relative video in order to mock the situation about men dedicated to playing out women making them obsessed. When I tell you they are more focused on me than the wellbeing of the civilization that’s when it’s a problem with their whole meaning and outlook to life. This is my reminder to their inadequacies because honestly, they jest they’re there to lie and joke but some of that sticks with them off social media as well. You know you discover who someone is when they have money or power. The internet is an illusion of power to them, they feel in control and like no one can touch them. Therefore, they show their true selves— and the fact their behavior is unprovoked on a baseless and abusive foundation, that just cements the real person that they are.

People calling out that I’m desensitized to their mockery but not to the power grabs are trying to insert themselves to get attention and any other little ego lifts but it doesn’t hurt my feelings. And because it doesn’t trigger me, the flying monkeys become more upset. The only thing that makes me sensitive is for me to know and the flying monkeys to stay disappointed about (because I’m not going reveal it here). They can be upset however that the social media tactics: news headlines, famous people or influencers doubling down on their hate, lies, slander isn’t what provokes any further (nonetheless, it is juicy material to enter on my site). Their efforts to draw the curtains back down and hide the light, prove that the illusions are gone and people who are above the bullshit are waking up, being accountable and realizing the immature and petty bullshit has effected everyone. Only the parties that have financially and emotionally benefited from this are still active participants in the mind games because they don’t know how to be fully independent or anything else that doesn’t require true hard work and happiness. It’s sorta like the Emancipation of Slaves in the United States and how the slave owners fought so hard, still lost ownership of slaves and have been bitter ever since they were defeated by their fellow men. So yes, I will continue posting subjects in which the flying monkeys create content because it’s examples and reminders of what they had, how upset they are that they still can’t have it and the lengths they’re willing to go to remind themselves they are severely toxic creatures.

There was another spaces where a guy, in a very passive scenario, decided to have a Maury type of scene that included “the love of his life” having sex with his friend. It was a skit, thank goodness but nonetheless it was a very eye opening scenario. This was a sloppy infusion of my relationships with Marcus & David jumbled around. In the spaces theme, the main character supposedly had a long distance redated a woman for a few months but never committed to calling her his girlfriend — however he did say some bs" ", only threw superfluous words around. She then took it upon herself to sleep with the guy’s friend.

LIFESTYLELove Bees Honey