The Importance of Your Reputation...

Several years ago, I knew I had every reason to be upset with my narcissistic ex who routinely bad mouth my character right before and after the breakup. As if the relationship wasn’t horrible enough, I had to endure the immaturity and passive comments from a very worthless individual. This was not a situation that I could’ve easily resolved because to this day, my narcissistic ex refuses to let me go or heal whatever animosity they have with what transpired between us (because they’ve lied and disclosed their story to everybody else but are reluctant to tell me — narc tactic, there’s screenshots).

Here are a few article links regarding the importance of maintaining a good reputation even when dealing with a malignant narcissist.

This situation would have went a whole lot smoother if they admitted to raping me and being a narcissist, liar, cheater and admitting to the only reason why he singled me out and not the other exes who’ve crossed him is because of money and power - he saw me as an opportunity to exploit and profit from. At that time, I was the only woman he’d been with who had a large social media following and connections so both he and David decided to exploit that. David could admit to being a narcissist, thief, liar, and con-artist. These are two men who decided to profit off of a woman and not only that but cultivate an environment that they spun off to intimidate, threaten, harass and control a woman’s livelihood and body. There are stories of successful men who have gone to prison and come out better for it and made an honorable name for themselves, yet David & Marcus chose dirty underhanded and conniving ways. The ends do not justify the means — regardless of the media, entertainment, job opportunities or anything that was produced off the back of my labor and pain was never worth it because it manifested to a very dangerous limit where human rights are laughed at, regardless of proof. A half mixed Puerto Rican (white passing) and Black male working with a blue eyed blonde haired white male has given the sexual attraction for both men and women to follow suit in their self-serving and abusive endeavors. And while the audience is truly none the wiser, certain White people have flocked to behaving as if racial discrimination and negro ___ never stopped

public executions of black men by white people

police men shooting black men

why because society (it really started with the Black community) once they thought it was cute to mock me, gangstalk, perform petty activities and threaten me, it gave the green light for other cultures to mock BLACK people and threaten us and surveil us (now everybody is being mocked & surveilled, regardless of race). The flying monkeys truly are stupid and their own fucking undoing (which is why every single time I see them being sarcastic or trying to mock me, the shit comes back to them and the community. And it’s funny because not everyone can be fucking saved, or placed on a news headline. While they’re fucking laughing, karma is about to serve their asses and then their cries are flooded with their peers and ignored on social media when they need help).

Love Bees Honey