Why you so obsessed with me?? [Hoes,] I wanna know...

I easily and quickly dismantle the egos of everyone who dislikes me, no matter what they say. And because of that, they use me as a reference when karma hits them back. Hello, hopefully you’re here because ya like me, my energy, and come/leave in peace.

The topics discussed about me really say a lot about them then it does of myself because how does one choose to micromanage an involuntary adult they don’t contribute to. These flying monkeys and narcissists behave like perfection is their middle name when it comes to themselves and those in their social circle but will hide all their imperfections and cherry pick the least unfavorable ones to fake expose themselves for the public. As godly as these folks pretend to be, the REAL God lives in the sky. Therefore, eagle eyeing me will NEVER make the “ooh! aah! eye see” flying monkeys sovereign, no matter how hard they try to bring themselves up or put me down. With that said, may I present to you the continually updated (whenever I choose to) accounts of people being too occupied about the tiniest and irrelevant things of what the hell it is I’m doing instead of living “their best life”.

Now of course, they desperately need the last word, so they will retort “Why you minding my business?” To which I will leave this preemptive reply here “Bitch, let’s not act like your passive remarks aren’t a tactical display to provoke me for one. Two, you and your herd of safari animals have had a systematic way to be seen, mostly by intervening connections with other people I associate with so they can retweet/triangulate/petty bs. Give them a moment to fake light and love or be above it all before they resort to the subtle shades again. And thus I give you, the cheap thrills and toxicity of the flying monkeys…

  • “Drink more water” hoes. -Let’s be honest, you’re not concerned about my health, you little Nazis. You’re concerned about the fact your target experiment might disappear, then you’ll have to find someone else to bother and draft a whole new lifetime of projections on. Do you really care about the softness of my stool or are you being too nosey for your own good? It’s the latter. Let’s be honest, if you were ever concerned about my general and genuine health, you would advocate against my environment and privacy being scrutinized and surveilled (if actual convicts are granted the respect to not be publicly humiliated, tortured or shamed for all the world to see then I should have the same human and civil rights). If you were REALLY concerned about my health then you would not be a misogynistic bitch participating in ongoing actions to provoke and dehumanize a Black woman. But go on, tell me how drinking more water, touching grass, or other health tip will help me as you contradict yourself playing into the role of a mindless puppet who’s not only replaceable and forgettable, but requires a reaction from me/or comment about me to appear valuable.

  • “If someone is physically hurting you then call the cops.” (with the greatest sarcasm you have ever seen) Gee wilikers, really?! Gosh, you sure saved me, buddy. whistles to the police stations/authorities. It is truly pathetic how willfully ignorant people are. You see a woman being exploited for the world to see and people gang stalking, harassing, physically taunting and abusing her space (from general citizens to celebrities and companies) and you think police are going to do something. You must be dumb, like really dumb. Because that is such a gaslighting statement. I’ve already went to the police, lawyers and filed paperwork with government agencies. It is not only hard to prove that I’m gang stalked but the world knowingly participating in the petty dramas tells me that the government has a hand in all of this. The systematic and tactical activities to not only ostracize but withhold opportunities makes this a fun little game of control and power for their high pitched teeny tiny meep-meeps.

  • “Wine is bad.” Is it though? This is not only a fake concern about my health, please refer to the “Drink more water” comment, but it is also a highly criticizing, nagging, micro picking comment. Like first of all, I’m sure you don’t perform vanilla sex gag, gawk-gawk, gag and you sit on public toilet seats at the train station and French kiss your dogs but geez Louise, I am the person who likes a glass of wine or more because that is what I enjoy, that is my vice, that is me not living in a metropolis (currently) or California or smoking cigarettes (anything smog, polluted or immediately releases toxic chemicals as aggressive as nicotine cigarettes - no judging if you smoke) therefore, I can have one less thing that won’t fuck me up as I maintain my resilience against the army of demons that have slipped out of Hell’s gate to criticize me. I’m not trying to have a “clean body”— I love pizza, fries, tacos and pasta so no, mnhm-hmm let’s not pretend.

Love Bees Honey