Danielle ‘Daniel’ Saunders: The Copycat

Upon writing this article, I was already getting passive aggressive remarks about writing this out. For years, my life has been controlled behind the scenes this woman with the help of judicial assistance. Britney Spears altercation with her family is similar to my situation, but more covert, dangerous, underhanded, illegal and scheming. What has been done to me is the result of unjust treatments from relatives, ex-friends, exes, the government, and society. The reason bringing

Disclaimer: This is a series on the people involved in stealing my identity, gang stalking me, character assassination and participated in an isolation and ostracizing tactic for several years behind my back. These are a “Why I don’t fuck with that person” toned articles, and I’ve no interest in keeping quiet with people who are systematically doing what they can to silence, bring me down and harm me financially, socially and physically.

Danielle has made many moves passively and dismissively about being a copycat, especially negating something and then taking it for herself. I’m allowing you to see information that I called to her attention but let slide (until 2021) because I thought particular behaviors was very sibling-ish. Instead her actions and personality is very invasive, creepy, mental and ethically wrong. She has used her energy to do all things in an effort to intentionally cross serious boundaries in the attempt to erase me/”put me in my place”/one up me. This is someone I befriended since the 3rd grade and unfriended for the last time, March 2021 because she was not a genuine person, very superficial and upon recent discovery, an active participant in passive harassing attempts, gang stalking and stealing my identity.

People can pretend for so long, but what happens in the dark, comes to light. A person’s true colors are eventually revealed. In this article, I ask the reader to be open minded as I leave you the freedom to decide for yourselves (without manipulation, unlike Danielle, David, Marcus, and their supporters). Who better to mimic and steal my identity, then someone I grew up with, knew me since the 3rd grade and has had access to surveilling me without my knowing and permission.


We met in elementary school. I saw Danielle in my class and she approached me when I was talking to our teacher, Mrs. DeCanzio. She was sweet and kinda different— clothes were aged (faded, discolored and over washed looking often), but our personalities complimented each other. We were both social, she was verbally expressive and I was the animated, creative one more into my studies and extra curricular activities. It didn’t take long for us to bond. I invited her over to my home and from there we became inseparable, like sisters (which is what she called me first. As I’m writing this, it literally just dawned on me how I’ve accepted titles in relationships AND friendships without people asking me— so people would call me “bestie”, “sis/sisters/twins” or “girlfriend” “wifey” first. I previously recognized this with relationships but I didn’t think of it in friendships as well — that was a mistake on my part, especially to just go along with it.). Anyway, as we became “sisters”, I slowly began to notice her intermingling into my family — which is cool, if s “like family”.

The first time I noticed was when she called my grandmother “grandma”. I know that’s silly but I was eight yrs. old. I’ve never seen people adopt other people’s relatives until I realized much later down the line, like my cousin’s nana, wasn’t my nana, she just liked being called Nana. Also, I had a BIG family, so if they say “Oh, that’s my cousin.”, it was literally my cousin. Anyway, this was my grandma, she was my guardian angel, so I was overly protective of her. Eventually I got over it; my grandmother told me the street kids caller her grandma too (she was a part-time crossing guard). To share a fair observation, I called her mom, “mom”. This didn’t work, lol, because this is what Danielle had wanted. She and her mom were happy I called her “mom”. This is what gradually transitioned us from friends to “sisters” for real, pretty much. We both invited each other over for sleep overs, but Mom stopped after a few times because Danielle’s place was heavily infested. Our meetups had to be done at my place, which wasn’t a problem for anyone. Same thing happened when Danielle moved, however, I got to have more meetups at her new place. I wanna squeeze in here, that Danielle was invited less to my house because the abuse increased at home with my mom and I.

Danielle’s home since I met her in elementary school to mid to late time in middle school.

My home and neighborhood growing up for most of my life into adulthood.

Front view last house on the end, left side: Her mother moved down the street from a school, same as mine. Danielle’s home was heavily roach infested but I never brought up to her. I remember one day when she was talking and a roach crawled in front of me back and forth and I pretended I didn’t see it, as a courtesy and I knew she was VERY insecure about everything.

My home and neighborhood growing up for most of my life into adulthood.

Danielle’s home since I met her in elementary school to mid to late time in middle school.

End view of the street: Her mother moved down the street from a school, same as mine. Danielle’s home was heavily roach infested but I never brought up to her. I remember one day when she was talking and a roach crawled in front of me back and forth and I pretended I didn’t see it, as a courtesy and I knew she was VERY insecure about everything.


Returning home from school, I hooked her up with my brother that she had a long time crush on. It was a cute setup, I had my brother think all three of us were going to the movies and then I dipped, leaving them together with an excuse. However, the excuse of leaving my wallet didn’t work so I just told them and left; side note *Thank you, Disney’s The Parent Trap :). That moment was a flop and instead she met someone named Steve who she dated on and off without a title. Now to be fair, I myself had a short romance with someone but I didn’t see forever with him. We’ve all played the fool and I invested most into my relationship with David, the one Danielle was sleeping with behind my back and got pregnant by.

Before even meeting David, Danielle and I developed, what I thought was more of a sisterly bond. I had a tan car then she had a tan car. We were twins, as she said, and I thought it was cute. Somehow, the sisterly bond formed into an involuntary competition. I was always proud of my friend. To me, she was family and since growing up, the way I saw family was like a village/community, we always had someone who knew something or had a talent. Aside from my mother and I relationship, I thought my family respected and loved each other; and if needed, were a resource respectively and respectfully. Two memorable moments, I remember about Danielle’s need to— I still don’t know exactly what to call this, but if I say, “The next car I’m getting is a Honda. I’m going to save up money for it.” then she’ll get a Honda. In fact that’s exactly what she did, make and model that I talked about. I mention how I like sitting on the roof but I always wished for a balcony, then she acquires a place with a balcony. I express how proud I am to rescue my mother’s house from foreclosure as an investment for my brothers and I, so she buys a house and moves her mother in. Things were happening too often for it be a coincidence. And I didn’t take any of those personally, like you want to see someone value your opinions, but Danielle was increasingly being shady, passively mocking and throwing sneak disses and jabs at me and the people she “cared” about. She’d cover it up with a “Oh, I was just joking” or “You’re so sensitive” and chuckle but when I said something back, it was no longer funny.

When I met David, we instantly fell into a relationship, I have no relationship where I had to ask “so what are we?” I was always put into the relationship by the guy asap (I recognize this a big red flag now). He and I lived together and I didn’t know she had feelings for him, nor exactly when the relationship with them had started. I suspect it was when she told me he texted her. That moment made me think “Wow, what a loyal friend I have for her to tell me.” The text wasn’t sexual but it was suspicious, “Hey, this is David. Don’t tell Chalise.” I didn’t like the tone of it because we had recently argued and for him to include anyone into our business seemed like betrayal. Having recently reflected on this, it seems that it could’ve went deeper than that and she might’ve lied about the context of the text and how far they went. All I can confirm is that I was in an on again off again relationship for several years, and the breaks we had were short periods of time (like days or the longest was a week). It’s disappointing to say the least. I’ve been a very loyal and faithful girlfriend to him— like the opportunities I could’ve taken and the advances I received from his close circle were disclosed (both to him and my own family) and rejected—- including after we broke up. If I knew then what I know today, I wouldn’t have been with him and I definitely wouldn’t try to get revenge— it seems very low and not part of my belief or values. Very recently, I realized an old open public Facebook post was written for her. David has written me many letters but the medical terminology he used (she was a nurse then) didn’t dawn on me until today. To my knowledge, they never had a friendship and have only been in each other’s company a few times with me there (house parties). Yet recently it’s become more clear, I remember Danielle speak passively about situations in which she had an abortion and cried in the shower about someone, but she said it was a guy from a group trip or didn’t disclose the name. The only feelings I have at this time are complete disgust, like skin crawling and vomit chunks disgust.

Her insecurities were always obvious— she needed to either criticize what I do or have, then do and have it, or try to do it better. She stayed on top of everything I did and would overanalyze people behind their back, HEAVILY. Family and friends, no person was taboo to talk about, except for her. She was not someone you can question; not her opinions or the situation to the conversation SHE initiated— in fact, doing so would annoy and upset her. I know this because it was the reason I stopped being her friend in 2021 (amongst other things, but I digress for the sake of being tightlipped). I discussed with her why certain comments weren’t nice. In full transparency of my own actions, I noticed in her presence I was behaving like her sometimes, bouncing back information and then realizing it was wrong. The feelings would exhaust me for hours after we stop talking, it felt draining of my energy.

Since we stopped being friends, she proceeded to continue a relationship with my ex, David. It wasn’t enough to just “ride into the sunset” with each other, Danielle felt entitled to bring me down socially and financially. This is a woman older than me, behaving very gross— I’m talking spiritually, not her habit of putting period blood in David’s spaghetti/food type of disgust, or pretending to be a holier than thou pickme but a heavily criticizing open relationship nazi. This female Hitler has protested consistently for years about me, not acknowledging she’s talking about herself. It’s very immature, creepy and to copy someone you called a friend down to everything she likes, just so you can make them unhappy, one up them, please a lover she once had, or sabotage/block all their opportunities to excel—- when it’s never been the intention of that friend. That friend was close to you, genuinely cared about you and protected you in many ways financially, socially, emotionally, and physically (spunky tall sister vibe).

I wish I could say that the end of her deluded insecurity and pettiness stopped after she got together with an ex but it hadn’t. She needed to further mimic and copy my activities and habits in order to appear put together, calm and serene. By law, this psycho should be locked up and placed in a mental facility but alas, the law is on her side—- I’ll explain that to you later. While I took time away from people who seemed very unloving, toxic, mentally exhausting and problematic, I was being copied, imitated by someone who literally wanted to one up my life. During the time, I was in a relationship with David, we made many videos back in the day that everyone liked. It was my idea at the time to collaborate with David and include him into my videos, because he liked the YouTube channel I setup and networked with others in. As with everything else, I featured him on my social media as well as friends and family. I knew that they like attention, and taking pictures so this was a good opportunity to encourage them to have more followers. Upon recent news, Danielle and David mimics the same activities I have done with him several years prior. It’s weird for someone to have talked down on my YouTube videos, only to support me after I started to garner attention and invites from other people. Fast forward to the future and the topics I started to discuss on LoveBeesHoney initially are the ones she’s currently discussing and engaging with society and David. It’s not like my subject matters are original but the motive behind her obsessiveness supersedes “healthy competition”, this is a systematic way to harass someone and minimize their complete existence. Targeting me to copying off my activities, ideas and then demean me, my identity, interests and livelihood is a serious mental disturbance a person like must have. There are other things Danielle has done, passively and through other people that is both harmful and unhealthy to my life. I don’t know why women like her feel it necessary to tear down others in order to

My sister in law commenting on David & I videos, an activity that’s now being practiced with Danielle.

I introduced David to my YouTube channel after he saw my engagement with everyone. We posted cute videos together, mini vlogs prior that I edited. Here is a behind the scene video between us, that was going to go on my Just Bees Honey channel.

Now she’s just a clone, waiting for me to do an activity and then to imitate it, or criticize it. I’ve no interest in reconnecting with a woman or any person that has such low regard for others, especially someone that was close to them. Honestly, their behavior is very ass backwards. So here we are, there are rumors still being spread around about me but I’m at my fucking limit this bullshit society still wishes to partake in. The fact, that there are cameras in my home without my permission is inexcusable. And the lies about what the government is doing to stop it is also ridiculous—if any of their efforts were true or sincere, I would NOT still be exploited for the world to see. This would’ve been turned over to the correct authorities and my privacy would’ve been immediately restored. This is the leading and transparent factor that the government is not only involved but participants in a civilian experiment. Don’t just take my word for it, there have been literal “Based on a True Story” media coverages that cover this. I myself, who work for an Ivy league institution within the political department and am of sound mind and body knows that my information alone is good to consider this content but the kind of person I am likes to overshare to make this information VERY concrete, fair, true and justifiable. So in the next article, I will be sharing records, documents, articles and links to actual material proving this, backed by worldwide respected newspapers and journalists, media, and government officials; that has been notarized in respectable publications, inspired by films, discussed in documentaries and immortalized in history.

Why backing a clone is the wrong move to make if you care about your overall well-being, both morally, emotionally and socially. Their insecurity makes them unstable and an energy vampire, leaving less time for other things you should be more concerned with in life. Because people like that are very insecure and unhappy with themselves, they will do what they can to keep feeling needed or valuable. In my case, Danielle has done a lot of background activity behind the scenes in order to look like the “go-to” person for advice and a shoulder to cry on. Personally, I think that’s very disturbing and mentally sick. There were times she didn’t like recognizing my success, achievements or interests, but to go out of her way to sabotage my pursuits and goals, just to That is more than just an enemy— that is some deep rooted, unprovoked, obsessive hatred. It’s bad enough to be resilient already as a Black woman, who had to be the backbone to her family for most of her life and the world (recently discovered), but it’s extra taxing and unattractive to have an older Black woman be so jealous and restricting to someone while making it look like she’s helping or overly concerned about me—- pardon but I don’t think unnecessary challenges, attempting to shoot down my self-esteem and isolating me from family, friends, or people in general is considered “help”, that also includes stealing my identity, slander my character, poison my food and trash my property among other things. Let’s not forget this woman was heavily sexually active— something I didn’t care about and supported her, but that was before knowing she was having sex with my then boyfriend. Flash forward, in 2020 David told me he has herpes and that his “woman” and everyone knows. Thank God, I stopped fucking with him in 2017. Also, thank God, because I took a full sexual test after this nigga and it ended up negative. So to have her be very wild and risk the health of a BEST friend, it’s sickening. Danielle isn’t comfortable with someone succeeding if it means the attention is taken away from her or if she doesn’t feel valued/needed at all. You will feel like you’re dealing with dead weight because they are adding trouble to your life in the background, but encouraging you to your face. Smiling in your face, all the while they wanna take your place, like when does it end, old lady?

You will eventually be copied. This person is a shell and will need and crave a new source — sometimes that will be gotten rid of. Without competition, you will now be facing someone that is uncontrollable because they feel protected there’s no longer an impressive source. Her arrogance and stupidity. Think of a sub-par wireless carrier with a Verizon personality when it comes to beating out others. They can only fake it for so long. They will find others to copy and replace them— she forgets, she is replaceable herself having mimicked someone else’s identity entirely.

Pictured above from Left to Right: Me, Danielle’s cousin, and Danielle. She tagged me as my YouTube channel in another photo but that was 2 1/2 years AFTER I started the channel and was garnering notable attention.

Dec. 2008 - New Year’s Eve photo.

Invited Danielle to hang with my other friends. pictured above is David’s sister


There wasn’t much I could enjoy on my own without Danielle pulling a “Me Too”; but I became accustom to it because it was so subtle and had started since childhood. Pictured above, if I had a hairstyle, then Danielle would wear it too. She had got a tan vehicle that mimicked mine shortly after I bought a tan Ford Contour. I also told her how much I liked Hondas and would get one— then when Danielle got her nursing job, she bought one in the color I liked. Photos below, I was Bee-Yonce and Danielle wanted her own version, so I called her Dee-Yonce (lower medium).

Danielle is a shell of a human being without any consideration for anyone but herself and her self serving intentions.

If the copycat was fulfilling and sufficient enough, none of them would still be around to mention me or use me for inspiration or anything. Only a great leader, wise person or anyone with any common sense, intellect, style, or originality would respect someone else’s talent/style/creativity and recognize my power and personality alone that needs to stick with me; basically God has called me to be me and others to be themselves. Do you want real gold or brass spray painted gold? The choice not to back me and, or cease the immature game plays by an insecure group calls you out without me needing to open my mouth or do any of the ugly activities my opps have already done. I’ll leave it up to you to live as you wish because it’s your life but if you want to be happy, then you’d want to correct the mistakes or stop others from being wicked unprovoked. Eventually, that type of stuff only festers and just may come knocking on your door.


I thought this was an innocent thing of her to do, as she’s done for years when we were in school growing up. She’s older than me but I thought this was like a sibling thing that happens (like in the sitcom).

I grew up watching Asian movies and eating Asian food. I’ve had Asian decoration in the house- geisha dolls (my Uncle brought them as a gift to my grandmother when he was stationed in Japan), my mom and grandmother were gifted robes from Asia too, and I had Chinese decor in my room. I grew up watching Sailor Moon and got Danielle into it, then I put her on to some of the food and music— always with some criticizing to my face but she ended up liking it. According to today, she’s spreading around that she told me about K-pop eyeroll. This photo above from my Facebook dismisses that claim. The many things she claims to have been inspired by her were taken from me. And when confronted, she rebuttals with an empty reply in an attempt to save face.


Knowing the social media drama I was dealing with (that she, Marcus and David are at the helm of), Danielle decided to throw shade as she typically does. I asked her to FaceTime to see if she had anything she wanted to get off of her chest but she replied no, and even acted bewildered. The bold face lie was the confirmation I needed to start withdrawing myself completely from her.

On my birthday, I cut everyone off in a group text. I needed my space for my mental health. Note, mental health doesn’t mean anything bad, I was doing what I can to keep it healthy. I made my message clear that I wanted to take a break. Here’s a screenshot of how Danielle’s language is and how she took it. Let me say she’s been VERY fake transformative, very emotionally manipulative, opportunistic and has shown she’s not good with directness, let alone any confrontation. Be aware when she or her proxy tries to have some performative words “she’s human”, “people change”, and while they do, this is a person who took several years to still not show her true colors or stand in who she is— I had to use my discernment and boundaries to cancel our friendship because she’s never been a genuine friend, a conclusion I came to after reflecting many years of being around each other. There’s a difference between someone who’s being friendly and a friend. Upon my discovery, Danielle is definitely what one would identify a frenemy. Looking back at the many advantage seeking and one upping ways she’s performed, Danielle has never been the person she pretended to be. I sincerely only remember her stepping up in times that I had public recognition so she could attach herself like “oh, that’s my friend, but I can do that too.”.

, guilt for sleeping with my then boyfriend and now ex or she was scheming behind my back with people in order to oppress, silence, and abuse me. The immature and dangerous activities she and others performed behind my back: exploiting me, helping/supporting to steal my identity, gossip and slander in order to break all social engagements and financial opportunities for me is unacceptable. People have literally witnessed me survive a lot of bullshit and expect me to just vibrantly come to life— neglecting the disadvantages between us or disregarding the PTSD I have to get through. I will not stand for a grown woman who’s older than me to act like a stupid bitch that cowardly talks about me behind my back through triangulation; I know she keeps tabs on every activity I do. I’ve given her the opportunity to explain herself before cutting her off and she bold faced lied to me. Fast forward over a year later, and I see no change with this woman —- because the tactics that were once used to silence me have been doubled down (which is going to really destroy all of them in the end but eyeroll). So, if you happen to hear or heard something about me, please approach me directly. I had to go through a lot just to discover that she and others collaborated to threaten my life and livlihood, assassinate my character, and keep me stuck and stagnant.

After all this explaining, realization and accountability within myself, I still have the question “How did we get to HERE?” like, what was it that made people think “Okay. Let’s abuse this woman, let’s harm this woman, let’s steal...” like what the fuck was it? My life was about genuinely supporting others, loving others, respecting others— I was taught some of this (through religion, and my environment) but my foundation has always been love and helping people. Now, I’ve witnessed bad things happen to good people and I know certain things are unexplainable— I just cannot understand how people, both close to me, of powerful positions and responsible titles, family people, religious leaders were complicit with this. I cannot put into words how blessed and fortunate I am, to have strangers subtly confirm and tell me what my intuition was picking up. I’ve had to endure so many years around people but still feeling alone, and I finally have a sense of knowing at least some of it.

This is how Danielle responded to my text message the day after my birthday. It’s a lot of passive aggressiveness and low hanging fruit energy. She hasn’t revealed how she participated in financially abusing me. I won’t value or appreciate someone who consistently smiled in my face while talking and scheming behind my back. I’m working on building my social status back up but first, I’m focusing on getting my self in a safer environment.