I'm Concerned With Society...

I say “concerned” but it’s not really a care for the people who participate in wickedness but for the future of mankind. After me, what happens? I’ve been exploited and there are apparently other people exploited, yet I’m the only one that’s being talked about, with the exception of the evil people who has made a profit off of me for years (without my knowing).

For the next person to be placed into this situation, and I hope and pray to God it’s one of these users and abusers that enjoys/wants to keep watching and criticizing me, that they stay in a very conscious moment of how much they largely fucked up and participated in fucking up the potential future of others. The government and society has had no problem doing this to me, who has stayed above the law, was dutiful in the most upstanding ways, but that wasn’t sufficient enough to stay out of this situation. Society’s compliance to support this is a test from the rest of society, the government and God. This isn’t some TV show that’s dictated by the show’s producer or studio that they’re finishing the series once for all. It’s instead allowing the immoral and self serving viewers to determine whether this type of unjust punishment and cruel theatrics is worth continuing. Again, when I die, did these dumbasses think society would just be like “Okay, we’re gonna just focus on the other two people (the opps/narc couple).”? No, the government will more than likely witness you guys becoming bored with watching the narc couple, then introduce new people. This chosen person maybe the next victim, who is a stranger to the situation I’m enduring. But seeing as how so many people were willing to go along with this, it seems more than likely, the next person can very well be one of you for these two reasons: 1. You’ve already consented and participated in the harming and harassment of another citizen. Even though this was allowed by the government, there have been many cases in which law enforcement and entities have abused the law and other people’s rights in order to implicate them into a crime. It would be interesting if they persuade you to commit an additional crime that they can append to your record to further justify exploiting you. 2. _______ And while you think you could just follow the same protocols as I have, your stupid ass forgets there will be people and government officials there to sabotage you, threaten you, and may be even kill you. You may even be naive or hopeful that your friendship, family and connections would save you but the Patriot Act silences you from revealing certain information to another person. Thus, the person or people you may think have your back will be subject to the same fate. Oh you may have, 1 or 10 people on your team but this whole bullshit ass scheme has been going on for several years, so best believe the federal government, secret entities and whomever have game plans to separate and take you down 1 by 1 (please read your history books on many tactics the government and other countries have already pulled to siege, overthrow and execute people, groups, towns and countries). I won’t even pretend to give a fuck about you or your situation because 1. I warned you (many times) and 2. It would be a justified punishment for you to have for harming/harassing/gang stalking me in order to oppress me. Right now, you’re probably bitching, crying, yelling and further character assassinating me because I refuse to be your idol, Messiah, thing which you think you have access to or can oppress. I don’t desire to be near any energies that remind me of the abusive people that have died and I cut off. Just because you were raised on being an audience member to abusing me or watching me be abused, doesn’t make this right and I don’t have any sympathy, compassion or patience as you perform activities similar to the slavery of my ancestors. Whatever negative or defensive attitude you may feel from me calling you out, just remember that when it’s your turn to be in the spotlight.

I spent the majority of my life serving others, willingly but I don’t respect or allow strangers or the people I cut off to still have access to me because THEY say so. It’s funny that the ex I dated swore up and down that he didn’t rape then proceeded to rape the rest of me financially, socially, emotionally, mentally, and physically (in a different aspect). Eventually, the real comes out in other ways.

The times the government has taken it upon themselves to do what society has done to me because they felt in their right. Like how are you gonna cry and whine to the government when members of society bitch asses is doing the same shit. Like how immoral, hypocritical and out of pocket behavior is that? The government has clearly ignored y’all and continued to do what they wanted to do because they knew their critics had no fucking leg to stand on.

Either they are faking for profit, in a cult or are very delusional to think magic spells are real and effective enough to control society for much longer. People’s evil intentions are what’s destroying this world. I’ve been feeling uncomfortable witnessing the influx of people sitting on the fence regarding moral rights. Sadly, social media is flooded an obscene amount of misinformation and favoritism towards a very toxic group that has influenced people in powerful positions to control and perform harmful acts towards each other.

How far is society willing to go to keep me exploited and gangstalked? Future faking, expected money or with someone I’ve blocked, I’ll take just the money honestly and my honored record to be restored. How do I know they still like to live in delusion? It’s the fake smiling and niceties, the casual discussions and the false acts of concern knowing they gangstalk me, the wording and lack of clarity about issues going on around me..

I want society to practice more common sense in regards to the government’s activities with having me exploited. There are also clandestine groups that partake in oppressing and abusing my rights as an American citizen who has paid her taxes. It seems really far fetch that David is solely responsible for my exploitation. If my jobs (including a private Ivy league University) are able to have people monitor/triangulate/and gossip about me, characters are developed after me from streaming shows, and strangers everywhere are able to monitor me in public spaces all over then surely a mere truck driver is just “The Face” of the evil agenda while the party that’s funding all the monitoring are the government organizations and investigators that are stalling and playing the society stating “We’re investigating the bad guys and still need more evidence…” total bullshit. This is not only gaslighting and manipulative of them but it’s also green lighting the opportunity to deceive and harass other people in the future.

How far do people want to go to appear helpful so that I don’t save myself or am saved and released from the ugliness of others.

The ends never justify the means. Look at it this way, Black people and society have used the same tactics as the European settlers before us with African slaves. Instead of kidnapping, oppressing, abusing, killing, raping, etc. a human being into forced labor, they could’ve been fairly compensated or granted a contract such as their white counterparts (see below).

Because David, Danielle and Marcus have the advanage to talk directly to the public, they receive an undeserving amount of compassion even when society knows and have witnessed the evil things that have been done and still continues to be done to me. While they are held accountable, they are provided some conjoling, but that is a gateway for them to escape feeling any accountability and taking the necessary steps to remedy what they’ve done. While society is checking them, the trio are using their manipulation tactics respectively to further their abuse in another form, be forgiven, and to be seen in an innocent light again. By now, we’ve seen too much to expect such a request would or should be granted. It’s just that I noticed a lot of the readers thinking they can sway me into being open to connecting with this person or anyone. The only thing that needs to happen, besides my character being restored, is a transaction of funds for my property back, and restitution (which will immediately be put to useful use including working on taking time to go to a slew of doctor visits for the “experimentations” they’ve orchestrated — eyes (topical solutions) and PTSD). I’ve witnessed too many women be sympathetic and deliver messages on his behalf to feel sorry for him— notice how that sounds about someone still trying to use manipulation and triangulation to get what he wants. It’s sad that I had to call out the obvious like that.

Society is too focus on wanting things to go back to what it was, when I was the only one being harmed, harassed and taken advantage of and they got to watch and, or participate in the activities (ain’t that some shit?). I don’t care for any of these sort of people that wish to harm others in this fashion because it’s giving the same energy as Nazis during Hitler’s reign. You can count me out.

Love Bees Honey