Mark Mapp

This is a pitiful parental figure I had compassion for. Throughout the years, this man has been a womanizer, opportunist and a person willing to do anything for self serving needs by any means necessary. Last time, I’ve seen or heard from Mark Mapp, I told him not to talk to me after his last evil act against me, his own daughter & then golden child. Mark Mapp maliciously played the victim in the hopes of getting anyone to sympathize for him while scapegoating and outcasting me from the family. At his job of 18 years, he had an affair with a then recently employed co-worker. His long-time partner and mother of his child kicked him out of the house, then he moved in with the new girlfriend. Though I was disappointed with his constant cheating, I continued to support him, naturally. Subsequently, he asked me to be under the same phone plan with him and my siblings. I accepted but eventually got off because it included restrictions (at the time, phone contracts had limits). Not long after removing myself from the phone plan, he approaches me “with an opportunity to help me”. He asked if I’d be his co-signer for a car he was interested in. Apparently, the mother of his child that he screwed over had owned the car he used to drive. Instead of getting help from his family or new girlfriend, he came to me— I was old enough to be hesitant and asked him, if he asked anyone else. He said he had but they were unable to assist. Mark was really trying to sell that this would be good for my credit score— he made it seem like being a co-signer would help me. He also threw in the need to visit his son, my younger brother, so I told him I’d think about it. I gave it a couple of days, asked a couple of people’s opinion then agreed to be his co-signer.

I figured since his work history is so long and he has a good position that he would be responsible enough to fulfill his end of the agreement. The agreement between us was I co-sign for the car and he’d make on time monthly payments to paying it off. I should note that when we got to the car dealership, I had to put my name on the car insurance—- now that part really worried me. If my dad had an accident or anything tethered to that car, it would fall on my shoulders. I was very taken aback at him saying that because I didn’t think I needed to have my name on the insurance. He fought for it and in that moment, it showed me how fucking manipulative this man can be. I was literally thinking this guy, my father, is acting real conniving right now. In hindsight, I should’ve left him disappointed right then and there but I thought we had already done the credit check, the paperwork has been filled out, the money has been exchanged and this is my father. Sure he’s done some not nice things to women and he also tried to push a boundary with me before but business wise, I haven’t seen him disappoint anyone. So I agreed, begrudgingly. I firmly expressed my displeasure in being hit with that demand at the dealership but expected him to be responsible with both the payments and the car.

Months passed and Mark made steady car payments. I knew of my father’s habits of gambling and drinking but I’ve never seen him risk or lose anything because of it. In December 2014, I got a phone call from the car dealership. They needed to discuss the remaining balance my father owed. Apparently, only a partial amount was submitted. I figured, it’s the holidays or whatever, so Mark will just pay it by the end of the month. I called and told him but he already knew, because they have his number and called him too. He assured me that the payment would be made soon. At that time, I was working as a temporary employee, and my contract ended earlier than usual. It left me with the opportunity to take a trip down South. During that time, I received multiple phone calls from the car dealership. Each one becoming more aggressive than the other. Back then, I didn’t know businesses can’t harass people; I also didn’t know what was going to happen to me and my credit score. I was worried and called my dad—- who got upset at me for asking questions and wanting to resolve the issue. Upon one of those calls, I answered and found out that he didn’t make the full payments and that he would be at risk of getting the car repossessed. I wasn’t ready to return home, and my father didn’t respond to my calls—they went straight to voicemail. After the holidays were over, I came back up North and got back to life with bills, creative projects (YouTube), and family. It was in February that I got a letter and voicemail that the car dealership was going to take the car. I panicked and thought maybe my dad just needs help, so I asked for a ride to his place — because he stopped answering my calls. When I got there, I saw the car and called a tow truck, because the car’s insurance is under my name and I am the co-signer. My dad saw what I was doing and hopped out of the apartment complex and offered to talk (see video below for a snippet of the conversation). This was a very sad and eye opening moment of realizing who the fuck this man is. Mark Mapp has been a part-time father in my life, ever since I was a little girl. I felt favor from him (ie. daddy’s girl) but I also felt like the parent to him sometimes— helped him around the house (cleaning/siblings, ie. he gave us expired milk for our cereal and I had to get some more) and I remember giving him money (twice, out of my entire youth, but still those moments stuck with me), talked to him about how he should treat women and stop being standoffish to my second youngest brother, and among other things. The point is, he is a man and he was never the hero or responsible father figure I thought him to be. As I’m writing this, I see that has been my error to think so highly of this person, because he is human as we all are. I know he’s a man of many faults and I loved him through most of them but I refuse to stay connected to a toxic person that expects compliancy for harming me (whether financially, emotionally, or physically). So with saying that, his behavior does not excuse conning me, his own daughter to wreck my credit score then ghost me without any explanation. I used this opportunity for him to explain himself but he was on his bullshit, manipulation and victim story instead. Thus, I hit PLAY and filmed a good portion of the conversation. At that point, this was the straw that broke the camel’s back from the many previous disrespectful acts he performed in my adult life (that I won’t disclose yet, unless Mark Mapp or the Mapp/Snead, etc. family gets stupid trying to save face then I gotta come with more receipts and put his business out there), I decided to distance myself from this man. The only form of contact I will need from him is about the car only.

So he goes on to tell me, that he was going to pay the car payments in full during his next paycheck (the same thing he said a month prior). He also disclosed he wasn’t answering the phone or responding to my calls for weeks, because he was upset at my attitude with him (note, I didn’t have an attitude, I had a concern). Mark then goes on to reveal that he was pulled over by the cops and got a ticket and has a court appearance for drinking while driving. The alcohol content levels were so high, they attached a breathalyzer to the vehicle. At that time, I hardly drank so I didn’t know what any of that meant. He also mentioned he got pulled over on his way from, you guessed it, Atlantic City with his girlfriend. Now mind you, his girlfriend has a vehicle of her own they could’ve drove in to and from AC. So, not only did he risk possibly getting into an accident drinking and driving in the car I co-signed and have the insurance under BUT he also was gambling money he could’ve paid to the car dealership. Mind you, he didn’t give me any Christmas gifts (I didn’t say he needed to but I would’ve hoped he was gonna use it for the car). Alas, Mark Mapp decided to squander the money on play time, booze, romantic situations, hotel and gambling activities in Atlantic City. This is the reason, I decided to record this conversation because ain’t no way, I’m going to allow this man to live it down and escape accountability (I never thought I would need to use the footage of him giving me a sob story and bs but something told me, “Girl, film this”. I was intending to show my brother’s godmother who knows how he operates but I was like “No”. I kept this video private until today. I couldn’t believe this dude had the audacity to treat me like the women he manipulates. I was serously not up for it. I also didn’t want to take any chances of him trying to call the police or say that I stole the car from him. I wanted to keep this as professional as possible, just in case). So, I took the car and kept it at my house until Mark caught up on his payments. The car ended up being in my possession for several months. He ended up not making any of the payments and instead tried to victimize himself for taking the car in the first place. I didn’t tell the family at first because I didn’t feel it was necessary— and also my dad said he was going to pay the fees. After almost 8 months, he decided to still make himself feel like the victim and I was the bully who took the car from him. Around this time, I had my own vehicle and couldn’t afford to pay for both cars. Unable to find someone to take over the car payments, I negotiated with the car dealership to surrender the vehicle and be free of paying any further fees. They agreed but didn’t disclose my credit score would still be affected. In order for the credit charge to be removed, I would have to pay the remaining balance. A lot of my money was lost paying these fees (car insurance and car payment) off. Eventually, I stopped because I could no longer afford to make the payments and allowed the charge of $8,623 to stay on my record. Fast forward many years later, I finally had it removed but not without a serious drop to my score. This was a valuable lesson to learn. Yes, I was greatly and justly disappointed in my father but eventually, I would’ve still talked to him—- no longer with compassion, or understanding but at least I would’ve given him the time of day. The breaking point for me not to speak to him again was because he played the victim and I immediately saw how cold my family can be towards me. I clung to my siblings because those are the ones, I would see, hang out with, and frankly, loved the most. Alas, Mark Mapp did a very good job to vilify my feelings and the long standing financial issue I was left with to carry. To the day we last spoke and the day I last spoke to my siblings, he has not offered to reimburse me. Instead, during our last phone call, he tried to guilt me by listing things he did for me when I was younger—- a responsibility I don’t have to thank a parent about. He also lied and made himself the victim about paying for my entire college tuition—-I shit you not! Does he not think I would not have records for it—- I’m still paying for the bitch and I was with my godfather at the bank who paid a hefty amount and saw him do it. Damn it, I was pissed! Not only did he try to extract the most sympathy he could, but he used the dumbest ways to go about it. As I shake my head in disgust, I’m reminded that I’m not sorry for cutting this man off. This was the turning point of a man needing to destroy my character and make an example out of me along with the rest of my family, exes and ex friends. By my choice, we will never be cool, and we will never talk to each other again.

In the midst of fixing my credit, I was instructed to print my credit report. This photo is a record of my father’s untimely payment before I took it away from him in 2015. He never made any payments for the vehicle after I took it from him temporarily and parked it in front of my house.

My Total Adjusted Gross Income in 2015 was $28, 243, and my father decided to leave me burdened with additional payments, on top of my mortgage and other expenses. His behavior was beyond inconsiderate and disrespectful. He took advantage of his own daughter. The daughter he knew was on her own and carried so much financial responsibilities with absolutely NO help. My guardians died, mother when I was 17 and my grandmother when I was in my young 20’s. I didn’t have a maternal or parental figure other than him, yet he chose this as a moment to take advantage of me. He assumed that because he’s all that I have left, that I won’t cut him off and never speak to his raggedy, dusty ass again. Obviously, he was wrong. Now, I’ve learned my lesson with dealing with people and finances and have made vows never to put myself in that situation again. I have since maintained that promise. Looking back, I knew that he was a womanizer and took advantage of his girlfriend and live in girlfriend (romantically, like bum-wise), but I never witnessed this type of disrespect from him, nor did I expect him to sabotage his own family. Note, before our final discussion, Mark Mapp was arrested because his brother used his name one time in front of the police when he had no ID. Mark has done some shady crimes back in the day but was strangely only caught for the one he DIDN’T commit. He was obviously furious at his brother and vowed never to talk to him again. However, Mark had no problem trying to manipulate me and tell me that I can’t ignore him because “we’re family”, the old go-to for being toxic. So when I mentioned his recent situation with his brother, he dismissed my reply and said that’s not the same. I tell you, this man is not stupid but so fucking pathetic and entitled. I was disgusted and allowed him to rant a moments more before hanging up on him. I refused to be gaslighted, or manipulated by him any further. Recently, I saw a photo of him with his brother and the rest of the family joining together— but here’s the kicker, I’m pretty sure he did it thinking “Oh, I bet Chalise will see how silly she looks for still ignoring me. I can be the bigger person by forgiving my brother. I sure showed her.” lol Because that is definitely the kind of person he is. He doesn’t see the bigger picture and the history of toxicity he carried and still carries to this day. Now, before I knew he participated in gang stalking and oppressing me, he has a very demented type of thinking to believe that some imagery of him bonding with a relative will excuse the disrespect, scheme and tactics he used in order take my trust for granted. There’s no coming back from that and after learning what I recently discovered, he’s not my father— he’s beyond dead to me.

My W2 Adjusted Gross Income:

Reflectively, I see how foolish I was to believe him. At the time, I’ve been betrayed by other family members, but I didn’t think Mark Mapp would do this to his child. I see now this was not smart of me (accountability and a warning to others). Social media at the time was not transparent at all— it was a lot of fake positivity and perfection. Family squabbles were rarely discussed and always glanced over. We do not have the resources, maturity and acknowledgement of being schemed or manipulated by our own kin. Now that I know what I know now, I’d never allow anyone to borrow money from me that I don’t expect back or have me be a co-signer. Aside from my trusting nature, I was a very sheltered woman who was still “the golden child” (unknowingly schemed against, by many) before being pushed into “the isolated relative”. The thing about the workings of a covert narcissists and a family that’s full of them is they behave and move very discreetly; subtle remarks and activities happen in front of you but by that time it’s already too late. At that point, my family fast tracked themselves in gang stalking and scheming behind my back.

Note My ability to be accountable for my actions is honorable but also dangerous when facing a large group of narcissists and flying monkeys who took advantage of me and matters too far in order to punish me just for being myself and not sticking beside them with their toxic ways (their punishments included but not limited to: poison, theft, burglary, and attempted murder among other things). Imagine a grown man nearing 50 years old conning his daughter in her 20’s , pretending that he’s helping her build her credit when instead he sets her up to ruin it. He had every opportunity to redeem himself and he literally said “fuck it” THEN got mad at me for being upset with him while I still made the payments. Afterwards, he continued to play the victim, ostracize me from the family and never repaid me. I will provide the fucking bank statements against my other expenses and bills if he wants —- I was literally struggling and telling my own father why he’d do this. It wasn’t enough, he had to make me out to be the bad guy and the villain to the paternal side of my family. It’s sad I know, my whole life, I’ve been the one that people came to hold the family together, for advice, lend money (even when I didn’t have it), be the cheerleader and second mom/big sis/best friend/great girlfriend/good daughter and cousin/nice neighbor… all to get slapped in the face (metaphorically speaking) with a wave of abuse and mistreatment from everyone. And when I literally straightened my back as I saw them try to push me against the wall (again, metaphorically) I was further abused and punished. Holding people accountable, acknowledging where they got me fucked up or me walking away from them was not an option. Even to this day, I have people who I’ve not invited into my house, and no business to watch me in the privacy of my home to criticize things like “Oh she needs to do her hair or stop looking at the phone so much”—- like, firstly, who the fuck are these people?? These entitled stalkers don’t contribute to a motherfucking necessary thing— not one damn bill, but are the first to open their big ass mouth as if they pay for it.

In the midst of fixing my credit, I was instructed to print my credit report. The photo below is a record of my father’s untimely payment before I took it away from him in 2015. He never made any payments for the vehicle after I took it — until then, I made payments to keep my credit score safe. Eventually after several months of payments, the car was returned to the dealership (because he didn’t make any payments after I seized it from him). Sadly, I was tricked to still make payments directly to the dealership after it was surrendered (as you can see, the payments are made up until October, then I surrendered the car to them). The car was sold but instead of the credit charge being removed from my record, it stayed on my report for several years. Within the time frame of making the car payments, I called my father furious, then stopped talking to him because he guilted me and never paid me back a dime. He victimized himself, then got upset with me for being mad at him. As a result, the family was disappointed and disliked me more — they were pretty distant with me anyway; Besides my siblings, I wasn’t really close with them, except for my Aunt Cheryl. Thus, I decided to stop making payments altogether and cut off my father from any further communication. I stayed in contact with my siblings, however, until they too started being shady and insulting me. Eventually, I insulted them right back before cutting them off (see photos below). Upon recent discovery, they were also involved in the very immature, dangerous and cruel manipulative game to gang stalk, threaten and harass me.

It isn’t wise to trust a man who would do this to his daughter. He is a great master manipulator but he’s also a criminal, liar, womanizer and (since I last talked to him) has never done right by a woman he’s dated, ever. I would hope my absence taught him to treat women better, but my recent discovery of his participation and profit off my exploitation, makes it seem highly doubtful he’s changed— I’m beyond disappointed, and disgusted. I will never forgive this man nor my family and don’t wish to see them ever again. Since then, I’ve been vilified from my paternal family regarding my displeasure in his constant disrespect (he’s done a few questionable things against me, but this was the final straw. I don’t know if it’s because he’s the youngest sibling or that he never lived by himself without a woman’s help, but Mark Mapp has always defaulted to a victim when he’s done someone wrong. He’s never genuinely said “I’m sorry.” or acknowledge where he fucked up. Now here I am, trying to piece together my life as I seek justice and freedom from being tethered and controlled by society, relatives, exes and government entities. It is truly unsettling being guilted and having found out my situation was undeserving and made possible by relatives who partnered with others in order to abuse, exploit, slander, harass, steal from, poison and encourage murder attempts against me.


My father’s wicked stint of playing the victim was a contributive factor for my family to isolate and scapegoat me before turning me into the black sheep.  I stayed in contact with my siblings, however, until they too started being shady and insulting me. Eventually, I insulted them right back before cutting them completely off. Upon recent discovery, they’ve been involved/supported in the very immature, dangerous and cruel manipulative game to gang stalk, poison my food & drink, steal my identity, harass and support a murder attempt against me since July 2014.


people who call themselves the victim now, watched me from the hidden cameras they planted in my home then laughed. They lied and gossiped about me, ruined my character, reputation and supported falsifying records against me. The people who are trying to save face for the cruel crimes they’ve committed over the years are evil and hoped to get insurance money from my death. These are not people that can come back into my life with a “hey”, “we miss you”, “how’ve you been” or an apology.