Relatives, Ex-Friends....

By my own personal definition, a relative is anyone immediately related to me by blood or marriage. Family is someone who is linked to me emotionally and spiritually. Friends are individuals that can become family depending on their activity and behavior with me. As of currently, other than my two cats, I have no family and I cannot 100% say in good faith, that I have any friends. It would be with deep regret to utter such words but part of that is by my choice because my environment has been synthetically filled with people who do not have my best intentions. People who have been apart of an evil prank that turned dangerous and cruel.

A post I now made Private, because I don’t communicate or fuck with any of these people (a lot of since YEARS ago). The last person I communicated with before cutting off is Danielle in March 2021.

It is appalling some of those people are relatives, ex-friends, teachers, and associates, old co-workers, etc. that spew hate and look upon me with ill intent. This article is a brief description of why I don’t choose to connect with any of these people again. They have watched from the privacy of their phones and internet, delighting in my pain, sadness, and confusion with investigating why everyone was being very mean and standoffish upon first introduction. It was because people were keen to isolate and ostracize me by any means necessary. It such an emotional and physical turnoff to discover those you were GENUINELY kind to intentionally wanted me to be alone, stuck, destitute and stagnant. People have traveled, moved to new houses, gotten into relationships, married, had babies, educational success, developed their own businesses, etc. but they HATED seeing me achieve any of those things and made multiple attempts, many of them successful in order to control, block and sabotage all those things. There’s nothing redeemable, or excusable for those actions. I cannot pick out anywhere in the Bible that allows that type of monstrous actions. The government, City of Trenton, it’s citizens, strangers and people I knew are morally corrupt and vile. Whether or not they feel any guilt or remorse or sympathy, it is not my responsibility or care to forgive these people for their ongoing and former ones regarding my safety, health and human rights.

I believe it’s truly pathetic that the ones who were close to me did not take the opportunity to disclose what was going on. They instead participated in an elaborate facade and illusive bullshit game. These people have quite literally smiled in my face then schemed and gossiped behind my back. I will not martyr my feelings or life to forgive these assholes because they don’t deserve it. For years, I have been the subject of adolescent ego trips conducted by grown ass people who are parents, doctors, teachers, religious members, government officials, military representatives, influencers and celebrities. It should be embarrassing how sad, co-dependent, broken minded, insecure and weak these people have been for such a very long time. These individuals, groups, and entities have gone far and beyond to risk my financial, emotional, physical, and social health for laughs, inspiration, drama and insight. As much as they try to project that I have a mental illness, these are not healthy minded individuals who should be respected when it comes to respect, authority or moral conduct. With every effort to find the truth and uncover what’s going on and how this came to be, I’ve been met with strong opposition, that includes but is not limited to financial abuse, domestic abuse, intimidation, threats, assassination attempts, poisoning of food and drink, stolen identity, among other things. The only reason, these people have felt comfortable to put cameras in my home and exploit my private life is because the government is backing them. When I hear, “the people who have harmed you are under investigation”, I cringe because it’s been several years without justice, I’ve witnessed people incarcerated for much less, companies and such have garnered a lot of money from my oppression, and ______. I’ve studied history, a long time ago, but I remember brief moments of what it’s like to live in America and have self-serving government parties play games, lies and advantages all for their own greedy purposes. The overextended long delays not acquiring justice, ignites a boiling fire within me. The selfish agenda that society, government and the world partake in is justifiable for anarchy—- I have no criminal records, was a steady church goer for decades before I felt the strangeness that was around me, and have genuinely been a “good person” and an average citizen. The oppressors would reply “Good people die all the time” and while that is true, it isn’t a good look nor does it explain why basic people and the government teamed together to act like a cliche high school jock that bullies the “nice kid” that minded her business. The fake display of good samaritan that everyone around me is portraying is only due to the fact that they are profiting off my situation, emotionally and socially if not financially as well. This is very deserving of capital punishment but who are my resources? Where do I go to? I’ve literally went to the police and lawyers but they have said that I need more proof. I also require a lot of money, hence why the naysayers have done everything to encourage financial abuse. Note, I do say this with transparency that I spend money on groceries, and hair (cheap wigs— no more than $40) and skincare products but that _________

I am deserving of freedom—real freedom, in which I’m no longer gangstalked and people are not feeling entitled to watch me without my permission. I do not give anyone nor have I ever given anyone to watch me in the matter that they are currently. This is a very unsettling experience and the kicker is that they are literally green lighting this behavior for themselves and their children in the future if the government hasn’t already. The strangest thing is they believe they’re safe. As if no one is watching THEM possibly right now— the elite and wealthy are more than likely viewing them as they do me and treating privately as their guinea pigs. Maybe one day, they’re having a bad day or they encourage a partner to be cheated on— “Hey, let’s give this person a sickness.” for example. Society would hate and fear the idea that they could be subject to the same punishment, which is why tactics like these would be discreet for them. Obviously, enough compliance would’ve needed to happen for the government to introduce a more public approach but logically and upon experimentation, they know that would be unwise— yet still, they push the envelope each and every time. The most interesting thing discovered by everyone so far is the sense of power is more important the injustice, or oppression of their fellow man (in this case, woman). They will cherry pick who to speak out for but at the end of the day, their appetite for authority, power and control seems almost foundational to them (and it’s 100% because they do not fully have it everywhere they are, so they inflict the pain or become satisfied inflicting pain onto others). Yes, they are very pathetic.

In this discussion, I will include Excluding the people that decided to move on from the situation and realize that what they were doing was wrong, the continuing narcissist and flying monkeys

You would think that the activities performed that inhibited any forward movement would’ve been conducted to someone with a criminal or someone who did something morally incomprehensible but alas, they chose someone who was kind, overgiving and loyal to her friends, family, partner, city, and country—- and she got screwed over by everyone. Noted. This is a lesson within itself, and not just for me. The ongoing intention to keep me in this cruel situation is a very sick example of religion, the government, family and friend dynamic. It’s like, “What is the point of being raised to follow the rules, be a “good person” or respect others, things of that nature, if it makes you a target for fucked up opportunities?” Isn’t it bad enough that we as minorities are already going through strife and added obstacles because of the color of our skin, our interests, faith, gender or sexual orientation? All society has done made us question ourselves, our intentions and the core beliefs/values of our generation— something we’ve already been doing but now it’s worse.

  • 2009

Me: I’m a very social person but stays connected with a few in my personal circle of friends and family. David lives with me (he started as a roommate but then asked me out and asked me to be his girlfriend)

Danielle: General BFF things, she had her cattiness and covert competitiveness but I thought it was normal (calls me “sis”, hung out often, made slight jabs but in a family dynamic, who doesn’t— it was what I thought a big cousin who teased type of energy). During this time, her friend Oprah was dating someone and she was jealous of her relationship. The advantage of being closer in contact to David, gave her an open to flirt with him. She did NOT like the fact I was in a serious relationship— it was bad enough (to her) I had a house and car on my own, living independently.

Marcus: Just a friend of a friend on social media.

David: In a relationship with and doing well (so I was to believe). In hindsight, Danielle didn’t like the idea of me being in a serious relationship (especially since she was dealing with dating problems herself). She was envious of my relationship with David; she messaged him, flirted then lied about my feelings and activities regarding him. The screenshot from my half brother below definitely upset Danielle.

A shared friend tagged us in a photo, me “The Good Friend” and Danielle “The Flirt”.

  • 2010

Me: Creates YouTube channel, BeesOHoney and I’m doing really well with it. I’m social and people seem to really like me (so I was to believe). I volunteer, I help people out, support, genuinely provide to my then friends, family, community and strangers. I become aware of people’s intentions and energy around me more (pictured below). I begin calling people out on their behavior and putting my foot down.

Danielle: Friend things still. She mentions to me that David sent her a text. (I discovered she wanted us to breakup— the same behavior she displayed about her friend Oprah regarding her then boyfriend who’s now her husband. She suggested to Oprah that she should date around. Danielle’s envy was transparent and her insecurities were very obvious. She would shade Oprah often until Oprah decided to stop talking to Danielle; she also didn’t like for me to offer solutions or ask questions when she vented. Danielle was just looking for a “Yes” man and to stop talking to Oprah for superficial reasons, like for not bringing a shareable bottle to her cousin’s house party or broad topics.). Danielle has always been a flirt plus she enjoyed knocking everyone around her down a peg. So when she flirted with David at the parties and then David texted her, Danielle got the ego boost to be a back stabbing friend to sleep with David and be with him, all the while smiling in my face.

Marcus: During David and I breakup, Marcus and I briefly talked and dated (I rode up to his naval base in Maine).

David: David cheats on me with multiple people, including family and Danielle (unbeknownst to me regarding particular people until late 2021). We breakup for a bit. He begs to come back and do better, so we ease back into the relationship once more.

  • 2011


Danielle: (pictured below) Danielle’s passive aggressiveness behavior. At this point she’s been dating and having sexual relations with my then boyfriend (I didn’t know at the time). She typically doesn’t respond to any of my content but it was noticeable that she chimed in after being invited and treated to a baseball game with my family. The photo isn’t humorous at all (hence the sarcasm) but I gave her the benefit of the doubt that she may have a dark view of it, then looped to drinking. Other people would understand the tone based on the circulating content on my FB about being a good woman, and troubled relationship posts. I admire my sister in law immediately recognizing that this was a sad cartoon strip.

Marcus: His status is unknown because I didn’t care.

David: David’s relations with my sister encouraged her to be really two-face. My family knew and they all went along smiling in my face but keeping me out of the loop.




Marcus: Marcus is in town and drops off a bottle of alcohol for the holidays.

David: David and I were single but asks for us to reconnect, I agree but not as boyfriend and girlfriend— we take it slow. He asks me out to go on a double date with his brother and his brother’s fiancé. He stayed over a lot but weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend (he stayed with his correction/probation officer then). David intended to move in with me, but I later discovered he slept with his brother’s fiancé shortly after our double date. I hit her and tell him, I’ll hit him next. She was the one who gave him chlamydia who he then gave to me (which is cured now, on my end). We stopped talking and he moves out.


Me: Officially stopped connecting with David and sent him an email after he called me and was a jerk, plus messaged his ex. Talks to Marcus initially then set for a very emotionally rollercoaster of mind games and manipulation. Was raped when he came back to the the state from a break in the military. With less distractions, I fall into focusing more heavily on my YouTube channel. It’s surprisingly doing very well, because I have more freedom and less distractions to work on it. Financial Abuse: Barry asks to move in with me because he had nowhere else to live, and I agree. Ends up not following agreements we made prior to him moving in— including no inviting friends that are affiliated with recklessness.

Danielle: Finally acknowledges my YouTube channel; didn’t give it any credit until I added a considerable amount of followers and befriended other YouTubers. (pictured below)

Marcus: We talk while he was stationed overseas then upon his return I was invited to a party of his friend’s. I was given a drink that had Molly in it. Very anxious to leave, I ask him to take me home. I was raped. Feeling stuck, I had a relationship with Marcus, but he takes further advantage of this opportunity: triangulation, emotional abuse and mental mind games, cheating. We seperate and he begins to taunt my character, then we officially breakup in Jan. 2014.

David: Incarcerated. Prior to being locked up, people were looking for him and I didn’t rat or snitch him out (even after he betrayed me). David told me the people caught him in Florida and for a long time, he thought I was the one who turned him in. I told him I didn’t and he later found out that our next door neighbors (his friends) snitched.

  • 2014

    Me: Moves on from Marcus, engages in social activities and is having fun with life again. Financial Abuse Flag: Marketta asks to borrow money from me and I later decline.

    Danielle: Danielle befriending & chatting with Marcus, gives her the opportunity to highlight herself, knock me down, and delude David into betraying me. Possibly the time to add cameras in my home 2014/2015.

    Marcus: We breakup but stay in contact. He then moves on to date someone else. Since then, my character was slandered and dragged through the mud. We officially stopped communicating in July. And after he noticed I was moving on, Marcus contacts me in October (he also had his mom call me to answer his call), but it was to ask if he left anything at my place (I personally dropped all of his belongings to his mom’s house in February, so I knew this was a ploy). Sure enough, he asked how I was doing, in order to strike a conversation. I shut it down quickly. He victimizes himself to his family first then my closest friends (his brother Antonio and sister-in-law Stephanie are high school friends with Danielle, Chimaobi and I). The tainted image Marcus placed on me was encouraged and pushed further through that connection. Marcus then encourages other family and shared friends, including my sister Marketta and godsister LaShea. The campaign to harass me begins to spread like wildfire unbeknownst to me. I didn’t even know people I cared about and looked out for secretly disliked me. The lies Marcus spread about me together with Danielle’s opportunistic ways, helped seal the deal to make my image look ugly to others.

    David: Still incarcerated to my knowledge.

  • 2015

    Me: Financial Abuse: My father asks me to co-sign a car for him and put the car insurance in my name, for article see here. Father fails to pay the car loan and car insurance, so I take it back from him.

    Danielle: Danielle reaches out to David and begins spreading lies to remove perhaps the last person who would’ve had my back.

    Marcus: Contacted him and his brother to settle any discord— Marcus was too arrogant to have a conversation with, so I removed myself from them. Orchestrates with the help of Marlon (David’s father) an opportunity to hack my computer and

    David: Still incarcerated to my knowledge.

  • 2016




    David: Visits the house, and possible date of when cameras were placed in my home without my consent. Moves out.

  • 2017



    Marcus: Don’t know & didn't care to find out - I cut him off.

    David: Jan. 2017- Sexual relationship with Danielle is expressed as David writes public FB post passively about her.

At this point and time, David and I are just friends because I told him I’m dating someone. He persists to show me he’s serious about us but I’m still reluctant to give it a go. The dating between the guy and I become serious so I, respectfully, pull away from David’s advances. October 2016, David is displeased with my choice, then tells me it’s goodbye forever before he leaves. Pictured below, David is sharing coded feelings for someone. I thought it was for me at the time because he and I also had a phone call and a fight that day. Looking back at this message years later, I strongly believe this message was intended for Danielle. The medical terminology and other verbiage suggests this was inspired by her nursing profession. It also hints at the length of the relationship, “from all the trouble nights I left you crying”. This seems to elude he was having sex with the both of us but he didn’t want to leave me for her. He had every opportunity to be with Danielle, from the times we had our mini breakups to the time he was incarcerated. Even when he was locked up and I didn’t reach out to him for years— yet he wrote and reached out to me multiple times and when he was released, he came to my house for us to have a real commitment (I was still really nervous to date him, so I told him to date other people— he declined but I encouraged him to before giving us a try). He eventually briefly dated a woman named Melissa (little over a month), and by the time they stopped I was talking to someone else. Danielle was in Georgia by this time and if he wanted, he could’ve went to see her instead and tried with her but alas it doesn’t seem as if he had with the message below.

Summer 2017, David and I message each other (I didn’t know his relationship status— I thought he just went to see his mom down south as usual). I send him a care package, including a photo album as a random gift encouraging him to make good memories. Fall 2017, David returns to my place.

  • 2018



    Marcus: Don’t know & didn't care to find out - I cut him off.

    David: Asked me to come back to him and go back into another relationship, but I told him “no”.

  • 2019



    Marcus: Don’t know & didn't care to find out - I cut him off.


  • 2020

    Me: When I reached out to David, he attempted to invoke jealousy from me, but instead was met with expressions of genuine happiness and compassion for him. I was greatly disappointed in his games and refusal to truly help me, so I stopped communicating with him.

    Danielle: Increasing amounts of icy nature and shady comments were more transparent from Danielle.

    Marcus: Don’t know - I cut him off.

    David: Made the logical decision but greedy choice to not genuinely help me but instead stay loyal to the other parties. By this time, he was making a lot of money off my exploits, and getting favorable attention from society.

  • 2021

    Me: Cuts off last remaining contacts, including Danielle in March 2021. In September 2021, Shavon reaches out but it’s just to fish for information and triangulate.

    Danielle: Shady comment the day after my birthday. Relationship between her and David is behind my back; she mimics my personality, outfits and intellectual property.

    Marcus: Observes and schemes. Apparently in September, he helped plot with Danielle to get her knocked up by David. And in October, it appears Marcus had a sexual relationship with Danielle as well— I could assume it was because of their bonding over corruption and the fact Danielle aggressively mimicked me in a very obsessive way.

    David: Allegedly tried to reach out to me Fall 2021, but the message was intercepted and catfished by Marcus/Danielle/proxy to deceive David in a cruel way.

  • 2022

    Me: I’m just a recluse. I don’t engage in workplace dramas, I keep conversations extremely short. After noticing the behaviors of my co-workers and peers, I’ve been more aware of the energies between us and what they really think and feel (without them having to say anything). After work, I just go home, I don’t hang out with NO ONE, I don’t talk to anybody, I literally stay to myself. I am polite in social settings sometimes but I’m NOT social or open as I once was.

    Danielle: Still a gossip, schemer, emotionally manipulative, liar, and opportunist. Will do whatever they can to sabotage any opportunity for me to excel, including interrupting business deals and exploiting me. Unwarranted pettiness and ugly behavior, extremely two-faced, overly competitive (will even cheat), bully and a copycat. Has medical access in order to perform unethical acts, like access records she doesn’t need/not authorized to have and also to be malicious and harmful to one’s livelihood. Danielle is the psychotic and obsessive antagonist who believes that I should just die— taking things from me is not enough because of how I can move along, so she acts like she wants to take my life. She doesn’t love David enough for it to be an emotionally fulfilling relationship, just a material and superficial one. If I found another lover who I felt an even deeper connection with, she’d keep David on standby while also looking for a better match for herself. Her ugliness has no bounds — and for what?? Is copying my design invention and saying that she did it first, THEN says that we worked together to do it. LIES! This is MY idea, money, time and hard work— Danielle had absolutely NO part with this and I’ve NEVER done business with her or any other friend/lover/family member.

    Marcus: Still victimizes himself, is insanely possessive, delusional and greedy - exploiting me has garnered him million$. Fake sympathy, and he actually enjoys seeing my pain and circumstance— it’s not a life or death emergency for him to resolve, or cease. Believes that if I’m destitute, barren, with no one liking me then I’m easy pickings to approach (same energy as when he raped me in 2013). Marcus is the ringleader.

    David: Also victimizes himself, possessive, greedy and selfish - “If I can’t have you no one can” energy. Likes stability and is willing to do anything to keep it, except for hard and honest work. Enjoys seeing me in pain, brings in conflict, gossips about me and slanders my character. David is not innocent but he’s also being used by two older and more influential people, Marcus (age 36) military, financier and huge egoist; and Danielle (38 years old) medical professional, a chameleon who grew up with me and is able to imitate my behavior— both Danielle and Marcus are EXTREMELY emotionally manipulative. His youth, people pleasing energy, gullibility, cockiness and being raised in an urban atmosphere, has led him to be easily swayed by his family, friends and evil people of society that are set out to harm me with their own personal vendettas that aren’t warranted (not even Marcus). They have set him up in some ways to be locked up (if not now then definitely in the future. He’s also been made into a pawn, an image, “the face” with his Arian looks- blonde hair and blue eyes). These people have exacerbated his health and encouraged his downward spiral/depression. His anger is largely misplaced and based on lies told to him about me. He’s been a tyrant to me, meanwhile being played by the people he stood by and showed loyalty to. This doesn’t warrant sympathy for him either, because he’s aware but hasn’t shown substantial and visible proof— I need to see it to believe it (not just the audience, because that would only be performative).

The thing that a lot of people have witnessed is that I overthink and the peple who decided to oppress me have messed with someone who’s a huge overthinker, I like knowing why and finding out things that are sensible. And the people who’ve enjoyed harming and harassing me have done so but without solid and reasonable answers. I’ve been viewed for years, minding my business and being very fair. Each and every time, people have witnessed me be reactive to when people progressive towards finding out what’s going on and resolving issues. It took me years to figure out who’s been involved/the main characters who started this. I’m being mocked for places they schemed in the background to put me in. Meanwhile when they were poor, lacking, and without I was there to defend them, help them, protect and provide for them.

Once I tagged her in the photo, she became more discreet, as seen below. Note, I didn’t receive a Friend Invite about her new FB page. She tagged her older account with the new one.

Me announcing my new account from Lise Monique to Holy G.


There’s something about people who take bad pictures of you (more than once) that you think nothing of it or “they’re just bad at taking photos”, not “they’re scheming to make me look unflattering or inferior to them.” Also, if they share your photos with heart comments, you don’t suspect ulterior motives (second photo down). Meanwhile, I post a photo that’s approved by both parties— if you agree you like the pic with the both of us or you want me to change it, etc. I will and have. Below is a cute photo of myself and Marketta for a wedding. She pretended to be upset about it like “Oh stahp” (we all do it), but you can see the difference our energies and intentions have between both photos pictured above and below.

This is weird behavior to be okay with being the other woman. I had a moment with a guy who I then discovered was married, and broke it off, so it confused and upset me when I found out (late 2021/this year) that my family and friend were sleeping with my then boyfriend. These women are vile and disgusting— literally vomit inducing sick to even think this shit was appropriate.

No, initially it REALLY hurts when people meant to love you, smile in your face then try to stab you in the back. It’s my responsibility to not have that kind of energy around me, but please understand and refer to the ‘Don’t Act Like It Can’t Be You’ article before judging me on my naivety because there are people, movies, music references, and even Bible stories where people that are closest to us can betray us. And once I realized what was going on, I removed myself from their presence. If you at all find yourself in this situation, I ask that you beware of people’s actions and attentions— I’m a direct person but not everyone is gonna be direct with me. Folks can smile in your face, say they love you and other things…but I kid you not, they can be the ones to hurt you. (NOTE: I don’t want to make anyone scared to love or trust people— and I say this sadly, with great hesitancy for my own life, but please don’t think everyone close to you is your enemy. I just ask you to be careful and use your intuition when people behave certain ways).


The message below is the message he’s referring to. After me stating my concern, Barry turned it into a dispute, went upstairs and discussed how he was going to hurt me and then threatened me when I confronted him. He literally escalated me privately confiding in him about being uncomfortable with having a girl he used to have sex with, sleep in his bed (I didn’t care that she’s gay then, I asked him to come downstairs and I whispered to him how it bothered me— I’m friends with his girl, then fiancé on FB and I have a history of crippling anxiety around that type of cheating shit. I have hinted like a motherfucker to every woman my family members have cheated on. No regrets.) Some people would just play along when it comes to that sort of thing, but personally I can’t.


Barry was sentenced to prison shortly after, read article here.


In a moment of accountability, I assumed the ones closest to me were loyal and honest. I was the friend and family member who would treat everyone to events, (pictured above) I scheduled and paid for Danielle and 8 family members to attend a professional baseball game that had Derek Jeter, and (not shown) another time invited David’s cousin with us (great seating) to see the Eagles game. I’m also the friend who, through her IMMENSE fears of heights, traveled by air to see her friends just to support them (one because of a new home and job, and the other for a milestone birthday). I have shown on multiple occasions, that I’m that friend who’d put her life out there for others and stick up for strangers.

I’m not the person to list off things I’ve done so that they can owe me, I had to look back in my history to understand why I got here because this shit was for no fucking reason— and I can’t knock how stupid it was for them to come against someone like myself who’s upheld a standard to be the best for myself and the people I chose to fuck with, the town I live in, the place I work, the citizen I am… but bitches took advantage of that to limits I don’t agree with (and they felt like starting that shit and cultivating it behind my back). And when I spoke up, when I showed my disapproval, they still took it upon themselves to keep going. So now here we are on opposite ends and people are either perplexed or upset why I don’t fuck with them and why they don’t need to be supported.


I guess there’s just something about Danielle and Marketta’s mommas stealing things that don’t belong to them, that make these two the perfect sister wives for each other (see screenshots from background check and city records below). No wonder it was easy for them to betray me in the process and do silly shit that was COMPLETELY unnecessary. Disclaimer I work at a prestigious institution and don’t appreciate the adolescent high school dramas grown adults have tried to enmesh me in, so I’m placing all this material out here. In multiple judicial cases, it has been evident that people’s jobs and livelihood can be disrupted by slander and harassment. Therefore, in accordance to my civil rights, and the laws of this nation, I’m placing this material out here for me and my loved ones protection and health.

Doreen Saunders, mother to Danielle Saunders. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

Marketta Mapp’s mother Wanda aka Sabrina. The apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

Marketta Mapp’s mother Wanda aka Sabrina.

And her frequent trips to Miami which, coincidentally, there’s an address in my name in Florida I didn’t authorize. Not saying my criminal half-sister had anything to do with it, but I am asking if anyone can provide affordable information on how to get justice for that, I’d appreciate it.


In the end, she just wanted me out. It seems spookier than Brittney Spears vs Jamie Lynn Spears but here we are. As someone who GENUINELY doesn’t mind sharing the spotlight, protecting others, and being there for others, I was betrayed by my sister. She took my identity (physically - ID stolen), among other distasteful things all in order to try to silence and outdo someone who was never trying to compete with her.

Marketta’s ‘On the Mapp Logistics’ is inspired by my ‘Mapp It Out’ slogan I still use today regarding my own business started several years ago. Pictured below is a screenshot of my mural using Mapp It Out to decorate my office area.


It’s hard separating from those you grew up with, loved and protected, especially when they show two sides to themselves, and an even uglier side other people see that involves you. But I walked away, I cut them off and placed my boundaries up. It’s a really heavy feeling knowing that the people closest to you hurt you and literally plan your death and demise WHEN YOU DIDN’T FUCKING DO ANYTHING TO THEM. I will have to go on the rest of my life nervous about being close to people because the entire world was comfortable with treating me like an object and not a human— or a superhuman who’s lower than them but expected to achieve things through pain, isolation, unhealthy and artificial environments/living conditions, financial/emotional/physical manipulation and abuse, among other malicious mistreatments. I’m a fish out of water right now. This is a foreign experience I’ve been dealing with for a long time, that I shouldn’t have to experience but evil and toxic people have become addicted to seeing me deal with. It’s really sick that those closest to me initiated and went along with intentionally abusing me, lying to me, manipulating my life/reality all the while smiling in my face and pretending to care for me (pictured below for reference).

The toxicity Danielle initiated then partnered with Marcus and David to do has influenced my own relatives to smile in my face, participate in the maliciousness and be inspired by Danielle. I took my cousin, Shalana, around Danielle to hang out with and she’s expressed liking her. Since a few years back, she’s made shady comments in reference to my life before (things that were private, not shared with anyone), and pictured below she’s visiting the Dominican Republic for her birthday— a year subsequent to Danielle’s, to which she was inspired by. This and her desire to also pursue a career within the medical field was just too coincidental.

It’s very weird to witness a cousin that I supported and would look out for, to just turn on me for someone who isn’t family. Like, if her friend lied on her to try to befriend me and gossip behind her back then I would tell AND show her proof— although being my family is enough for me to take her word on it. Anyhow, I’m disgusted to see the switch up and security envy/jealousy from her and other relatives too.

Danielle in the Dominican Republic for her birthday and Shalana following suit a year (my relatives believed social status and clout over family and the love & loyalty I had for them.

Shalana inspired to pursue a medical career because of our grandmother, and bonding with Danielle for career/social advancement. Pictured below, Shalana being content that I cut off Uncle Danny and am no longer speaking to the family so that she can be “the favorite niece”— mind you, our uncle only has two nieces so, like Marketta, that’s embarrassingly just a process of elimination/only one person to have.

(above) Being social and engaging with others, only to be bullied and harassed by a lot of passive aggressive people I didn’t hurt (invites, volunteer face painter, etc.)

And as someone who’s a problem solver, peacekeeper and likes to resolve things, I’ve contacted everyone before cutting them off to be honest and direct with me, and they lied, denied, and didn’t provide any comfort in my doubts. Shortly after, their offense amplified, and at that point I cut them off and separate myself with no intention of contacting them ever again. The peacekeeper, problem solver in me that always reaches out is what they expected and they’re shocked (some still don’t believe it) that I walked away and haven’t contacted them since. All their obsessive antics to provoke me and try to antagonize or destroy me does nothing but cement my decision to stay away from them. With no regrets, there’s nothing to do but continue to act accordingly with protecting my peace and wellbeing.