All Skinfolk Ain't Kinfolk...

This doesn’t address all Black people. I myself am Black, so I’m not condemning an entire race for their actions. I’m merely calling out a very crab in an upright barrel situation within the collective community.

On multiple occasions, I’ve witnessed the Black community commit many offenses to hinder our race from excelling and achieving particular goals. Keeping up with me, stalking and obsessing every micro detail of my life just for entertainment, denotes a low standard kind of person. Now it can be the criticizing Black woman who feels that her material wealth is what makes her superior to others or it can be the followers that think of superficial matters and body shape is the thing to make themselves feel and look better than others. Regardless, Black people have so many other things to worry and fuss over, yet they align with other races in order to oppress ourselves even further. It doesn’t make sense to me but instead of wrecking my mind for answers, I just leave it to the quote made in Dark Knight “Some people just want to watch the world burn.” The thing about that though, is they have no respect, remorse or guilt for any of the people they chose to burn.

Personally, those people aren’t worth much of any thing in a grander sense of value, these are typically the cliche characters that find themselves often the most unfulfilled and depressed individuals for life (regardless of race).

It’s just a lot of illusions that people wish to keep going. I want freedom and a general white male, named David, is not the catalyst to my freedom. I need the actual

I’m confident the foundation of this situation is manipulated by Marcus and perhaps David’s father. What happened after

Third parties would triangulate messages like “They’re gonna get caught.” “This case is being investigated.” “You’re free!” “Justice is on the way!” Bullshit tactics to delay and had me cooperate and wait as patiently as I could for someone from the authorities to apprehend all the people who have initiated this scheme. Prior to that, I reached out to several people for assistance and they only provided me the run around. My intuition leads me to believe that they’ve been participants in my exploitation. Claiming to help but having no genuine intention to help is lying. Pretending to not know what’s going on about a matter I approach you with is also lying.

future faking, gaslighting and manipulation

Stealing, bullying,

By the way the Black population has been very aggressive and tactical about silencing me, using my ideas and experience to their benefit, the resources and interests have been mimicked and manipulated leads me to believe THEY are the primary factor as to why this cruel behavior and entitlement continues. I knew it started through Marcus (Hispanic and Black), then my ex-friends, next my relatives and people I grew up with, including community/city of Trenton but seeing the co-dependent entitlement has become transparent that the bullshit arrogance is still plodding along.

This is the same community that were emotionally manipulating my ex in order to provoke and humble me. I’m all too familiar with wanting to be loved in a family dynamic; and having witnessed members vie for affection by fulfilling deeds and desires that are violently,

Yes, I know it all too well. I grew up in a narcissistic household so I’ve seen it done from good seats.

Even though the people that are apart of this ugly opportunistic charade,

Or had an ex-friend that’s extremely ugly both inside and out (IDGAF what society says, this woman is a gremlin— but hey, that one guy was about to fuck a gremlin in that movie, so go off. Maybe that’s what you like, because you’re a gremlin too).

A whore across multiple boards, and not just for attention has conducted many immoral acts not including sleeping with her best friend’s ex boyfriends, one of them being her lawyer and married with many kids. My gahd.

The entire Black community isn’t toxic but a surprising number of individuals have been disappointingly behaving like crabs in the barrel for self serving purposes. And the disgusting thing is that they’ve behaved no better than white counterparts who continue to harm, use and kill us. At what point does the Black community go, “Hmm?” *Will Smith pose*

Do I expect the stubborn people to be accountable and or pay me restitution for being mistreated in this fashion. Not only does the punishment not fit the crime but the ends didn’t justify the means. The people who were saying “Everyone can eat.” were lying. They meant, everyone that they liked can eat.

At the end of the day, I’m not going against the entire Black community or trying to find allies that, pardon my language, seem like a coon. This ain’t that website, I’m not that person, go fuck yourself. Having said that, the people that have been responsible for continuing to silence me, exploiting me, profiting off of me, harassing and harming me deserve to be punished by the fiercest judicial laws. Freedom is mine and it requires not being gang stalked everywhere I go to fulfill your entitled whims. I don’t deserve these cruel and unusual punishments, nor live in conditions similar to my ancestors.

Black people and how they like to delude you into staying stuck, stagnant and dramatic...


Right before his recent death, Kevin Samuels, stated women over the age of 35 are leftovers, "If you have made it to 35 and you are unmarried, you are a leftover woman,” he said in a video. “You are what is left. Men know that there is something likely wrong with you.” For all the things, he shamed women for, Mr. Samuels was found in his apartment having fallen over (from heart failure) on top of a woman who was there for sexual favors. He died as a colorist and misogynistic hypocrite. Kevin Samuels was not a kind person and made it his agenda to harass and degrade Black women. He does not deserve sympathy nor empathy from me; therefore he will receive none. For more about his death and influence on social media, click here and here.


Black Panther movie director, Ryan Coogler, mistaken for bank robber and arrested when he asked to withdraw $12,000 from his own account. Another bank worker, also Black, is recorded telling the officer “Good job, officer.” For more about the incident, click HERE. For video link, click HERE.

Now unfortunately, the people who have tried ….have done so at the hands, bidding of others, stereotypes of and a lot of times of their own freewill (influenced by greed and power).

Love Bees Honey