Cruel and Unusual Punishments...

Members of society executed many foul tactics in order to silence and oppress me. The organized and covert activities are deserving of capital punishment. And to avoid criticism from the public or any accountability, abusers and users victim blame, deflect, distract and downplay the malicious injustice I experienced for several years. Here are some of the things I’ve witnessed, recorded and survived thus far:

(Including only the actions and details of people continuing to harass me. There are people out there that simply don’t get it, refuse to let go/move on/accept defeat. Treating my life like a game to be won or controlled shows a lack of empathy and for treating me inhumanely).

  1. exploitation

  2. food poisoning

  3. Character Assassination & Slander

  4. Stolen Identity

  5. Home Invasion

  6. Electrical Fire

  7. Bodily Harm

  8. Triangulation: Hiring Others to Deliver Information and Provoke Me

  9. FINANCIAL ABUSE: Stolen Finances, property, Ideas, & Intellectual Property

  10. Cyber Bullying

  11. Stalking and Gangstalking

  12. Hacked

  13. Ostracizing & Isolation

  14. gaslighting

  15. threatened & Attempted assassination

  16. Behind my back relationship with my longtime boyfriend, now ex: slept with, impregnated by and proposed to

  17. harassment

  18. false marriage and falsified records

  19. human trafficking

  1. Exploitation

I’ve been filmed secretly in my own home, my car, at work and been followed around in public. My whole life is under a microscope—- and celebrities themselves who know what that does to someone’s mental and emotional health, have expressed NO empathy. Society has adapted a very abusive, entitled and creepy behavior because they’re attracted to my personality while disrespecting my boundaries and privacy (hence watching me, even though I’ve expressed not to and remaining anonymous about their obsession). People mention I have a platform where people watch me— I don't have any video platforms with my face or body that I created other than LoveBeesHoney and JustBeesHoney on YouTube, Tumblr and TikTok. Any content that shares my thoughts, actions (especially sexual) is not with my permission.

2. Food Poisoning


I don’t need to share a scene from The Sixth Sense to tell you why poisoning someone’s food for laughs or inheritance is really bad and disgusting energy to have, do I? (see below)


3. Character Assassination & Slander

Gossip, defamation, projections and straight up lying in such an aggressive manner you’ll be overcome with an infectious amount of negativity. For further explanation, see article Rumor Has It.

4. Stolen Identity

In a series of evil events constructed against me, relatives and strangers.

5. Home Invasion


7. Bodily Harm

I mentioned on multiple attempts of the toxic chemicals that affected me and my pets life. In case you come across the same tactics used against you, I recommend bringing toilet paper around you everywhere/do not leave it at home. The substance was sprinkled over the home, including the toilet paper — this has cause a bacterial infection that’s affected my cat and I. My cat gets to areas and lounges on the couch where I first saw the substance—my skin immediately started to itch. As a result, my skin broke out severely, my eyes are still affected, my cat and I have had many expensive medical visits in order to resolve it. You will feel an insane amount of pain (both uterine and acne), lethargy and cramps. My problems have been misdiagnosed and mistreated. This seems like a passive attack from someone very insecure to irritate my skin and sterilize me.

8. Triangulation: Hiring Others to Deliver Information and Provoke Me

9. FINANCIAL ABUSE: Stolen Finances, Ideas, & Intellectual Property

10. Cyber Bullying

11. Stalking and Gangstalking

12. Hacked

13. Ostracizing & Isolation


15. threatened & Attempted assassination

16. Behind my back relationship with my longtime boyfriend, now ex: slept with, impregnated by and proposed to

17. harassment


They Can’t Handle Accountability….

  1. downplays abuse

  2. Victim Blaming

  3. Deflection

  4. highlights themselves passively/Public relations through media + proxy/flying monkeys

  5. distraction

  6. Victimization

  7. performative maturity


  9. LYING & Gaslighting

To refrain opps from repeating the cycle of abuse and avoid accountability, I’ve provided the common schemes and tactics abusers, users and their proxy use in order to escape judgement and criminal punishments.

1. downplays abuse

  • Having reflected on the many things I’ve endured for YEARS, I refuse all ploys trying to belittle or make fun of my experience with statements like “You’re too sensitive” or “She’s overreacting”.

  • “Oh, it’s just a joke, just a little stalking, just a little lying, just a little stealing, just a little “harmless fun” (poisonings), just a little blindness— people can still live life if they’re blind *insert comment to joke about and shame the person for speaking up*; oh, it’s just a little…BLOOD”. I imagine there’s a few steps before murder, so how far does one go before Murder is considered “just a little…”? And what’s the end game, the end all be all, only left to still talk about the dead, the money runs dry, the ideas become boring are hard to cultivate and the stirring of finding someone else to abuse begins again.

2. Victim Blaming

  • Toxic positivity and saying things, like “Let it go” or “Don’t let anyone make you unhappy/smile” is a self serving ploy to encourage perseverance porn. It also dismisses my experience, especially since the abuse has been ongoing and continues to this day. People providing toxic positivity are users who only wish to be in your company when you have a light shining energy— they don’t know how to respond or they don’t want to support, defend or be around you in times of need that require more than a few Pinterest quotes.

  • “Focus on your future”, “Don’t be afraid to move on”, “You have to be comfortable with people not liking you”: In my unique situation, I have people unwilling to let me go, who are persistent in committing crimes and trying to control me. Unlike them, I’ve proven on multiple occasions, that I can move on and let go of toxic individuals as evident, HERE. I pursued many ventures in order to push forward, but I discovered my efforts were purposely sabotaged by people affiliated with the government, military, police, judicial system, celebrities/influencers, relatives, associates, communities and strangers. People and groups from Britney Spears, Black Panthers, Black citizens, to civil rights activists have respectively faced difficulties with moving forward, and carrying on while dealing with particular forces. So, to say those things to me is gaslighting and victim blaming because it ignores the challenges I face, fought against and may still be before me (because I haven’t received any notification yet from authentic sources that the crimes and abuse has or will stop). Hearing that type of language let’s me know when I’m being addressed by a user, abuser’s proxy or sometimes an ally that was bullied by them (and I find no initial fault with the ally because like me, they see both sides, but unlike me I can recognize the bullshit and immediately shut it down. Hence, why opps talk behind my back and passively.) <I’ve done many opportunities to look forward and “go, go-go, go, go” but doing so, allowed abusers to poison me, have people invade my privacy, and other foul things listed above behind my back. Justice needs to be immediately served, restitution must be provided, and the guaranteed proper safety and protection of my health, wellbeing and future requires assurance.>

  • Abusive proxy have posted this exact material “Sometimes your worst enemy is your own memory. Let it go.”; “The worst part of our enslavement is not the shackle on the hand, it's the shackle on the mind." and yes, the idiot posting this is an elderly Black man who wanted to be so righteous and correct SO badly, that his hatred and fear of accountability tries to overshadow his participation in abusing and harming a Black woman unprovoked. And by doing so, his statement gives ammunition for others to manipulate, abuse and harm other people, particularly Whites against Blacks (meanwhile we’re still fighting with schools and government officials in support of the 1619 Project, and here comes Uncle Ruckus setting us back). UPDATE: Surprise! I saw his profile and he’s Muslim AND a colorist— baby!

3. Deflection

  • Gossip and bitter drama in need of attention. In desperate times, they will lie or greatly exaggerate circumstances.

  • Mentioning other things in order to make people lose focus on the matter at hand, because what does being late to work have anything to do with me being overtly harmed in this manner? Especially, when said co-workers participated, laughed and mocked me— the over extension of work with poor salary, referring me to a car company that has given me nothing but trouble with a NEW vehicle (and they even placed a tracking device and camera in my car), having to work an extra job, mocking my entrepreneurial pursuits, etc. all these things contributes to my work performance and attendance, but abusers like them omit that information. The same thing can be said for similar situations, like I didn’t know me having a dirty kitchen floor or maintaining MY place required comments by intruders and uninvited observers. This is not surprising this sort of criticism is headlined by the same person who raped me and overstepped my physical boundaries— according to him, environmental boundaries are not off limits either.

4. highlights themselves passively/Public relations through media + proxy/flying monkeys

  • They will give the greatest performance of their lives, lol, in regards to being happy and content with their material wealth or family photos, going out, la-la-la in the attempt to exalt themselves over someone’s misfortune that they’ve destroyed. It’s giving Trump energy when the children were placed in cages and there was a lot of ostentatious photos and events going on to cover up the media’s outrage in reference to abusing youth. It’s very Marie Antoinette’s “Let them eat cake”, as the townspeople were starving— which spoiler alert, ended up with her and her husband being beheaded.

5. distraction

  • This will be a ploy to turn the shame and guilt onto the parties that are seeking judgement. It is an old go to. They typically will recite something recent in order to make people work on things that may seem BIGGER than my circumstance— which is interesting because my plight, resilience and personality has influenced the world, from media to technology, citizens, politicians, queens/kings and princes. My life is important but when they say it, it’s to demean me in order for society to think it’s okay to abuse me— THIS IS SUCH A REPEAT OF AMERICAN SLAVERY, it’s not even funny nor should it be tolerated. So whenever someone tries to dismiss my situation and, or distract with phrases like “There’s bigger things to worry about in this world, like the Ukraine.”, they are being really pathetic, weak, and condescending to violate my human rights, civil rights and life. I fully acknowledge and sympathize with Ukraine’s situation, and at the same time you won’t catch me saying something as stupid as “Why is everyone doing all this activity for George Floyd, one guy, when there’s men, women & children being murdered everyday by cops in Chicago, California and worldwide?” The arrogance to make a comment on putting one person’s life above others/group is more than insensitive; it’s many things including misplaced that makes them look stupid as fuck.

6. Victimization

  • Danielle has done and said many underhanded and vile things, then will say “I just want what’s best for her.” even after I cut her off. She is an absolute delusional person who has done a lot of duplicitous and disgusting things, yet thinks we can and should still be friends. She’s a liar, tyrant, pathetic and bottom tier (talented, but bottom tier, which is why she tries to provoke me, be an antagonist (unprovoked), and a copycat. If she had the confidence, and maturity she pretends to have, she’d find herself competing with or comparing herself to others who wish to compete or in her talent range— like the saying, if you feel like the smartest person in the room, then go to a different room. She’s a woman with a high school personality, who’s afraid to grow up. It’s liking doing all these things that look good on paper, including moving out of town and advancing, but still having a small town mind. If she thought she was all that, she’d move accordingly and wouldn’t be so intimidated, insecure and jealous that other people around her shine, and are independent without her. She pretends she’s not this way, but if you get too close to her for awhile, you will soon find out for yourself. She definitely preys on people she thinks she can keep under her thumb, and no, she will not be direct with you or what she’s scheming.

  • Marcus will sulk and pretend to be very remorseful for the damage he has done but has yet to enact any substantial plans to resolve it. By stalling and making himself the victim, he furthers delays any action. Yet by some wonder, he has made so much progress to still get up out of bed, continue his day to day function, and get money from my exploits— millions, okay, and he’s very selfish and withholding to not even deliver any of its rightful portions to me for the safety of me and my pets. Marcus must immediately and permanently cease his greedy, self serving, emotionally calculating and vengeful victimizations in order make amends, set things right and redeem his longtime pretend innocence.

  • David has had every excuse in the book to put himself in victim mode, from how he grew up to a deceased mother, forgetting that I myself have had a troubled life (including facing the abuse I receive today). Even though he was adopted at 13/14 by a guy who made a decent salary, David has turned himself into a victim by his wrong, selfish actions and evil decisions. I’m glad people are willing to see that the blue eyed, blonde haired white guy “Woe is me” speech is weak and tired. He should step up and restore balance for all the mess he’s done to me.

  • Victimizing themselves by stating and crying that they don’t know why I stopped talking to them. Firstly, this is a disingenuous ploy considering they’ve been gang stalking and sabotaging me behind my back for years. Doing bad to others, does not garner closure nor warrant a reason why they left you without a word. We are in a modern day and age now, where the term ghosting is a common word amongst all— if these people are unable to emotionally move on after severely disrespecting someone, then that’s an emotional ego problem that they can possibly solve with a therapist. The person they harmed, in this case me, does owe them a gahtdamn thing. It is especially irritating that I’ve approached these people before moving on to give them an opportunity to come clean— to which they lied or ignored me. So in the end, I did everything fairly— I withdrew myself from liars and two faced, cowardly abusers.

  • Victimizing themselves through situations like funerals, death, birth of a child, lost child/pet, car accidents, etc. something that would invoke sympathy onto them. I’m not saying or restricting sympathy for anyone but I won’t dismiss their aim is to play the audience and get let off the hook or receive a lesser punishment or judgement for the damage and harm they’ve done. For reference, read: ‘The man who could have shot Hitler’;

7. performative maturity

  • Saying “God is still working on me” is an insufficient and weak excuse to make when the efforts have been consistent and intentional to harm, steal from and attempt to murder them without just cause and unprovoked reasons. If shallow performances were acceptable without substantial evidence they’ve changed or made genuine amends to their target, then we’d be forgiving the malicious crimes of particular convicts, or the transgressions of our ancestor and history (from Adolf Hitler to American slavery to Christopher Columbus).

  • Imagine you caught your partner cheating and they do the most in order to “prove” they can be trusted again. Not all cheaters will cheat again but the number, statistically, is small. Others will become more careful next time. The point of this is to say that the theatrics, love bombing, “look what I’m doing” type of energy is going to be played out in front of the audience and society that they’re changing for the better when they’re not. In terms of an abuser, you may see their feelings and true intentions brooding deep inside. Eventually, they will explode before you and or someone else because they believe enough time has gone by to trap and convince you to be with them. There will usually be crying, manipulation, and guilt tripping/trying to shame you.


  • I can see it now, they will donate to a charity, retweet or repost a caring Call to Action in support of someone’s cause or GoFundMe, they will volunteer somewhere (especially if it’s in relation to my circumstance)…etc., all the while ignoring their part, and for others their continued abuse in harassing and gang stalking me. Instead of it looking sincere, it looks like a performative act of caring and a HUGE red flag of disconnect. I’ve mentioned this before when you know of someone who cheats on their partner but then becomes upset when that partner cheats on them or they see a post of the opposite sex cheat on that partner, and so forth. To them, they can do no wrong and THEIR life and THEIR interests are more important than the person they are harming.

9. LYING & gaslighting

  • Lying and gaslighting in terms of “She doesn’t ask for help” yet has ignored my monetary links, attempted to silence me at every turn, and lie to my face me when I confront them if there’s a problem. To say, I don’t ask for help is a dismissive statement to all the effort I’ve done to ask for help physically, online, judicially, and directly to the oppressors. Again, don’t expect nobility from liars, truth from snakes or value and honor from thieves.

  • Abuser proxy and users have posted the following content: “For the blessings of the Lord are for the diligent, not the lazy.” omitting the fact they’ve actively pursued in sabotaging all my ventures, talking to my employer and having co-workers conspire against me, copied my intellectual property, mocked me working two 40 hour jobs when they’ve constantly worked against my opportunities (the business to which I was funding and they copied, was stalled because they talked to other businesses behind my back to delay production). Come on now, you know these throwing stones, hiding their hands folk aren’t going to tell you that part. They even act up when I know and call them out on it.

LIFESTYLELove Bees Honey