God Complex, Is That You Marcus?

Before reading this article, please refer to the Disclaimer regarding my situation. Click here to be directed to that post.

I created a video, which you can see it here, regarding my former relationship with this individual and it took me over a month to chuck up enough energy to write about, record and edit. I was mentally drained, physically spent and emotionally bankrupt of wanting to deal or have anything to do with this person. This was a rebound relationship after David and it has sadly been an ongoing obsessive hold (on their part) with me and what I’m doing, what I’m thinking, disruptions of any kind from me to move on. I don’t know the exact fortunes or business this guy possesses or does now because I am solely invested in myself, my future, my potential connections with ANYBODY but him. I am only aware of minor things about him against my will— it happened on Twitter when I was looking for info regarding MY astrology (astrologers are very attracted to this man’s manipulation tactics, but most importantly his money). I digress. We’re here to unload how my ex Marcus has cultivated an environment to punish me under a narcissistic and psychopathic agenda.

Now let’s start off with how we used to talk prior to our relationship in 2013. I was in an on again off again relationship with David and during one of those breakups, I wanted to have a friend connect me with someone (because I heard of most marriages happening because it was through somebody they knew). So he had a short list and decided to refer me to his brother. I was not immediately interested in Marcus at first (I saw his profile and he just didn’t click— there’s even communication between the two of us where I dragged my feet and apologized for it, ending my signature with - A bitch. We met through his brother who I went to school with because I asked his brother

and how I’m a play thing in his life even though he’s happy

They say “people never change” and I believe certain people don’t believe in changing even when they have the opportunity to. I can speak for myself when I say that about myself because there are certain aspects of myself I will not change. Today’s generation has adapted to a surrender mentality when it comes to oppression EXCEPT when it happens to them or someone they care for. I myself, cannot succumb to that predicament because I’m too aware of what the consequences are when people are routinely getting what they want and feel entitled to take it further and further.

If you never would’ve raped me, I would’nt have dated you. At best, we would’ve just talked and became friends. Look back at the tone of our initial messages— I was always one foot out and willing to date other people because you were wishy washy about us dating. You played many mind games and tried to trap me to stay. Also, my mental health was abused and exhausted dealing with your ugly, immature bullshit and behaviors once we were dating. After several months of committing to this relationship and surviving all the headaches, triangulation and being loyal and there for you, I considered it as an investment— which is why I fought for it a little time after we broke up. But eventually, that space apart, gave me the clarity and reminder that you were never good for me, and I did more for you than you did for me. Lastly, having to still deal with your covert and overt attitudes, selfishness, possessiveness and victim mentality AFTER we dated is an even bigger confirmation that dating/talking to you in 2013 was a mistake.

Don’t let people who kiss your ass tell you that we have a connection when we absolutely don’t. The best and most redeeming thing you could do is to admit what happened, including the rape, provide restitutions and restore my honor.

LIFESTYLELove Bees Honey