For the Love of Fu@king God, Please Curse!

Me personally, I find profanity to be quite sexy. The best kind of people know when and how to use it but oomph, it really is attractive. Contrary to Western society’s beliefs, cursing is quite healthy. It releases anger, tension, and highlight passion or love — do you wanna hear someone say with sultry eyes “I love you” or “I fucking love you”?

I’m also a huge advocate of women cursing. Like “Yassss bitch. Use that sailor talk…Use It!” oomph! Anyway, I think it’s also sexy of a woman to just open her mouth and say something like “Bitch, Shit, Fuck…”. Those three are my favorite to use on any given day. I don’t even have to be angry to use it, it’s just awesome to say it — “Fuck, this latte is delicious!”, or “Bitch, you look good today” me to me looking in the mirror.

Cursing is typically considered taboo but it seems ridiculous and hoity toity from a group of hypocrites who do shit that’s wayyy worse than aggressive proverbial language. I wonder what’s it like to be shameful and hypercritical of someone using profanity in the US but they perform offensive gestures or speak certain words worldwide. For example, did you know the thumbs up in

Mr. Rogers throwing up a middle finger, a gesture meaning “Fuck You”, and repeating it in case you didn’t hear him the first time.


But he turned, and said unto Peter, “Get thee behind me, Satan; thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.”
— Matthew 16:23 King James Version (KJV)

Jesus “Get thee behind me, Satan” is the modern equivalent to “Fuck off, you Devil!”

LIFESTYLELove Bees Honey