Rumor Has It...

At this point, it’s VERY EVIDENT that people that are gossiping, lying and spreading misinformation about me are not reliable, not to be trusted and hold a lot of passive hostility that misdirected and greedy. Anyhow, here are some projections, lies and rumors created and spread around thus far (that I know of) about me. This was originally started by friends I thought were close to me, exes and relatives. I hope they see this article every time they receive karma and throw stones in glass houses:

  1. Drug addict

  2. Alcoholic

  3. Sleeps around (heavy active sex life) and has STD(s)

  4. Cheater

  5. In the Military

  6. Adopted

  7. David paid for everything and bought the house I live in.

  8. I ghosted everyone


Negative. Nope. I never had a drug addiction or even like drugs, with the exception of marijuana (to which I had to grow, no pun intended, to like). And its been an extremely long time since I even smoked anything but at the same time, I made a goal of having my own marijuana dispensary (I even hand made holders and containers). Any other drug is not my thing. Until two years ago, I started to swallow pills ONLY for my Accutane to get rid of my adult acne (I highly recommend). I still to this day cannot swallow a pill with ease and do not take anything, not even aspirin for menstrual cramps. My daily multi-vitamin are gummies, that’s how serous I am about drugs.

I do however like to drink, but am still a light/medium drinker, like I know my limits and I’ve never been a lush. Having said that, I have no shame and continually announced I’m a drink kind of gal. The thing I learned with these rumors is it’s not because people don’t like me, but because they’re not confident about their own insecurities. They look to me for words of inspiration in regards to certain matters and for arguments, but unfortunately in this case, I have none. I can sympathize to an extent with people who’ve done hard drugs, but I’ve got nothing to say about something I can’t relate to (besides they’re so much media out there from movies to rap songs and such glorifying it, y’all shouldn’t have to lie on me in hopes I can give you material or confidence about doing something I don’t do). I consistently stood in my power with everything that’s happened to me. So while people hoped I could give them something to use for their own drug issues, I’m out of words- I’m at a lost. However, I’m proud to drink, because I’m responsible— I’ve never had a ticket for drinking or being intoxicated or kicked out of a bar or anything like that— and I’m not shaming those who do.

A meme I made for my adoration with wine. mMMmm, sweet nectar. :)

When I’m triggered by something, its a lesson learn. My trigger was taking a drink that was laced with Molly from a girl at a cookout then being raped by my now stalker and ex, Marcus Toro. Since I was a kid, my other trigger was seeing how badly drugs took everything away from my uncle who lived, what I thought, was a lavish life (great job, cars, nice looking family, trips, houses, expenses, etc.). All that was destroyed by drugs, so I learned early on to fear hard drugs, and to me, anything that isn’t marijuana seems to be like a hard drug. In fact, I just try to stay away from pills and stuff regardless, especially needles. My fear of becoming like my uncle was so great I considered natural birth, surrogate, and adoption— no drugs, lol. Like I was spoiled by this man, he was like a father figure to me, so it messed me up to see what could happen.

Now I’m unsure if it’s my relatives, David, Danielle or Marcus who threw this particular lie around but I can’t help them out and should any of them be hypocritical about it, they should look inward and see why they hate on someone who doesn’t fuck with them, cut them off, walked away from them and didn’t plant cameras in their home to watch them (unlike what they did to me). This just sounds like psychological issues that require an extensive session inside a mental facility for YEARS in order to find the peace they need and to allocate their emotions to the proper people, who are themselves and people who actually want to fuck with them. See below for content regarding their family and their own issues they choose to disregard and ignore. This is worst than throwing stones at glass houses, because they’ve intentionally sought out to physically harm me for shit they did to me.

Danielle’s brother, who has lived with her in her adult years on and off, including around the last time we spoke in 2020. This is public knowledge. I’ve been told anyone off the streets can get this information and isn’t illegal unlike the many things they’ve done to me.

David admitting to doing drugs. Disclaimer I work at a prestigious institution and don’t appreciate the adolescent high school dramas grown adults have tried to enmesh me in, so I’m placing all this material out here. In multiple judicial cases, it has been evident that people’s jobs and livelihood can be disrupted by slander and harassment. Therefore, in accordance to my civil rights, and the laws of this nation, I’m placing this material out here for me and my loved ones protection and health.

David admitting to have been/being an addict (on his other social account).

2. Alcoholic

I’ve admitted to liking a bottle of wine and mixed drinks but I’m a responsible drinker, as mentioned before. On the other hand, I have noticed my criticism coming from ex-friends, relatives, and exes that have bragged about “drinking me under the table” and boasting what looks like an healthy drinking problem themselves.

3. Sleeps around (heavy active sex life) and has STD(s)

I’ve been celibate for over 2 years and I waited until after high school graduation to have sex with a guy. I also never had an orgasm with anyone sexually, so it doesn't seem like a big deal to be promiscuous — don’t get me wrong, as long as it’s protected/consensual sex, I can see the thrill in being with different people but my dance card has had some major losers, plus I’m a serial monogamist— I had sex with the intention to marry not to just fornicate. I support sex workers and have my attempts at sexual exploration, so I respect many walks of life and will advocate for them (P.S. I have some funny almost experiences I may share one day).

Also, having a sexual appetite is healthy— I’ve expressed my support for prostitutes, strippers and sex workers because as long as it’s honest work (not adultery or not intended to break up a relationship) then I find it as common as a regular job compared to a masseuse, or dancer, therapist and physical trainer.

I will say that I’m very surprised that the people to throw this rumor and lie on me was cultivated by individuals who sleeps around themselves, are apart of orgies (when in relationships/married), and groups affiliated with rapists and child molestors (see below for Danielle’s brother).


It’s gross, because the only time I’ve been called a cheater are by the people who’ve cheated on me. In fact my life has been tortured because of abusive, cheating, unfaithful assholes. The only thing I have done (and called myself out for multiple times) was sleep with a married man, not knowing he was married and then I broke up with him after I found out. We had a one-time tryst later on, admittedly, but that was it AND (recently discovered) it was encouraged/plotted/set up by my exes and former best friend (who turns out was never a best friend).

5. In the Military

I have family in the military, exes in the military, but I never went to the military. I considered it, even had the recruiter pick me up and answer my questions but things seemed too suspicious and I was apprehensive about the whole ordeal and just decided “Nah! Take me back me home.” hahaha.

6. Adopted

I look too much like my mother mixed with my father’s mother’s looks for people to lie about me being adopted. I thought that was a stupid gimmick— maybe if I hadn’t seen particular pictures of myself beside my grandmother’s on my dad side, it MAY have been something but no. Funny thing is, because I disowned my family, that would actually be beneficial to me but alas, it’s not. Also, I don’t want to shame someone who’s adopted for two reasons: 1. My youngest brother was adopted by his godparents and I’ve always cursed the man that walked away from my brother when he needed a parent the most (after my mom died, the father decided to ghost everyone including his own son at the age of 1). I appreciated adoptions before then but respected it even more when my family and I looked out for my brother (until I had to cut him off a few years back). 2. I’ve considered being an adoptive parent in my 20s with an ex-boyfriend because he was adopted.

7. David paid for everything and bought the house I live in.

Actually, I paid and have always paid for the mortgage. At the age of 22, I saved the house from foreclosure because my uncle didn’t want to pay for the house anymore. Backstory: My Uncle Danny asked my grandmother if he could move in and take over the responsibilities of the house (I had just turned 17 at the time and was pursuing college, plus I really loved the opportunity to live with my grandmother again). He moved in after she agreed, bringing in his mistress then turned wife and her three children. After several years of a bad marriage, my uncle decided it was best for him to have his family legally kicked out. The house was a complete disaster before he moved and after. He didn’t tell me either of his plans; I overheard him say this to my Uncle Kevin super late at night when he visited my grandmother’s house (who passed away the year before). Uncle Kevin asked him if he was going to tell me and he said “For what?”. I set out the next morning to take over the house by calling the necessary people, resources and using the $15,000 I had saved to fix it up. For more details, see link here.

8. I ghosted everyone

It’s insulting people assume I would or should tolerate their disrespectful behavior. This whole time I stood by my family and friends’ side, protecting them or going out my way for them, supporting them, people pleasing to the nth degree and it wasn’t enough— they played me, lied to my face, exploited me and still to this day lie on me, hope that I die so they can take insurance money from me, have done really sinister shit behind my back… so NO, I didn’t ghost. I literally wrote on FB and text messaged people revealing my feelings after years of being lied to and worked against. In hindsight, I realized I was doing too much for folks BUT what people can NEVER shame me or get themselves out of trouble for is that they pursued ME after I walked away and cut them off and been the bigger person. Their ego is what got us at this point and it also exposes a lot of people’s greed and fetish to control others (funny though because people in powerful positions, from employers to institutions and higher, want to try the same thing on those who’ve been trying to control me. Karma is a funny thing, and definitely justifiable.). I don’t owe anyone my time, space, presence or energy. I don’t, won’t and will never forgive anyone that’s abused and harmed me and I don’t need to, ever.