Don't Act Like It Can't Be You...

It doesn’t matter your race, age, income, or education, women nowadays are becoming more susceptible to being harassed and unjustly punished by men. Don’t ever say “It won’t or that can’t be me”, because God will put you into circumstances you may not be able to get out of.

  1. Britney Spears vs Family/Friends (Conservatorship; Family dynamic troubles)

  2. Nicki Minaj vs Vaccinated & Government (COVID-19)

  3. YT Follower to Aquarius (Avg Citizen/Subscriber Personal Opinion)

  4. Influencer vs Talib Kweli (Small Business Owner harassed by Celebrity & their Followers; Black on Black Harassment)

  5. Military vs Military (Rape, Military Protects Their Own/Men First)

  6. Avg Citizen harassed, stalked then Murdered by Police (Avg Citizen abused & harmed by the City)

  7. Black woman owned house in racist white neighborhood (Avg Citizen threatened by Neighborhood)

  8. Assata Shakur, Eartha Kitt vs the US Government (Racial Injustice Opinion vs the Government)

  9. Martin Luther King Jr./Malcolm X/Black Panther Party (social activist against Government entities: FBI & CIA)

  10. Snowden vs National Security Agency (employee whistleblower against company & government)

  11. frank olson poisoned by his own job (employee frank olson vs cia)

  12. Pregnant Women seeking Abortion vs Texas (Residents vs The State)

  13. governor’s brother news station (Governor & media vs Citizen’s Rights)

  14. Woman says “No” and turns down persistent guy who wants to date her (Florida woman vs Apartment super who had keys to her place)

  15. Son murders mother to inherit money (Family dynamic troubles)

  16. Eldest daughter used by family to live a lavish lifestyle

You may think, “Well, I’ll just be the best person I can be to everyone.” That won’t work because I was overly giving to people but once I addressed concerns or said “No” then walked away, I was SEVERELY harassed and threatened. There are other people that will say, “I have boundaries so I know I’ll stop this or that.” Oh okay, so you’re saying you can stop a person who doesn’t understand the word “No”, someone who glorifies being toxic, problematic, aggressively dramatic (nothing wrong with a little drama but there’s a limit) and dangerous (willing to murder you)? Now if you put it all together, you’ll have an idea of the collective energy I had to endure— a lot that many witnessed and even participated in. I’m placing this before you as a warning of what society allowed to happen to the population and innocent people. Spread the word about my injustice— it’s a message that can be broken down and applied in different ways that unsuspecting people, including organizations can overtake you and abuse your human and civil rights.

  1. Britney Spears vs Family/Friends (Conservatorship; Family dynamic troubles)

  2. Nicki Minaj vs Vaccinated & Government (COVID-19)

  3. YT Follower to Aquarius (Avg Citizen/Subscriber Personal Opinion)

  4. Influencer vs Talib Kweli (Small Business Owner harassed by Celebrity & their Followers; Black on Black Harassment)

  5. Military vs Military (Rape, Military & GOVERNMENT Protects Their Own/Men First)

    The military has a history of sexual assault that’s unfortunately controlled within the branch— therefore not many victims have been publicly reported, which one would conclude that it’s VERY hard for active members to seek justice, especially if they’re a woman. There’s an obvious fear for the safety of women coming forward, because gruesome repercussions have happened when a military man’s reputation is at stake. Please see the following articles in bold: Click here, here and here for LaVena Johnson’s articles, a young woman controversially accused of committing suicide even though her body was found in a tent with a broken nose, black eye, loose teeth, and aggressive chemical burns on her genitals (conveniently placed in areas to cover a rape), and lastly a gunshot wound (with a gun that doesn’t match the gun anywhere near or assigned to her), basically a lot of FACTS and EVIDENCE that negates the military’s ruling of it being a suicide. ‘In his email to Dateline, Christopher Grey of the Criminal Investigation Command said the Army stands by its findings, but added that investigators would reopen the investigation should credible information surface.’ The audacity for a representative to say such a thing after already receiving considerable circumstantial evidence, is such a gaslighting tactic to both Ms. Johnson’s family AND society. It’s also a true insult and mind fuck (which the military is known for) yet, they insisted to play mind games and disregard material evidence that would’ve provided justice for LaVena’s untimely and brutal murder. Please click here, here and here for Vanessa Guillén’s article; a young woman who was a victim of harassment on multiple accounts before being murdered. According to the Department of Defense, sexual assault or rape happens to 1 in 3 women who join the U.S. Military. Although the Military Whistleblower Protection Act has been in effect for over 25 years, it failed to protect victims from being revictimized after reporting their assailants.

  6. Avg Citizen harassed, stalked then Murdered by Police (Avg Citizen abused & harmed by the City)

  7. Black woman owned house in racist white neighborhood (Avg Citizen threatened by Neighborhood)

    With the collective effort of the Black community, a mother and her child were able to peacefully reside at her home until she found a safer location to move far away from an angry mob of racist neighbors. Click here, here and here for articles.

  8. Assata Shakur, Eartha Kitt vs the US Government (Racial Injustice Opinion vs the Government)

  9. Martin Luther King Jr./Malcolm X/Black Panther Party (social activist against Government entities: FBI & CIA)

  10. Snowden vs National Security Agency (employee whistleblower against company & government)

  11. frank olson poisoned by his co-workers and employer at the cia (employee vs job)

    Frank Olson, was a captain in the U.S. Army Chemical Corps before working as a bacteriologist and biological warfare scientist for the CIA. Olson was described as a security risk, because he began to feel remorse for the experiments being taken out on others. Shortly after, he was invited to a semi-monthly men’s retreat with his co-workers where he was fed LSD by his colleague Sidney Gottlieb (head of the CIA's MKUltra program) WITHOUT HIS KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT. His fellow co-workers all knew what was going to happen and nine days later, Olsen plunged to his death from a closed window. What was initially called a suicide was later challenged to be seen as a murder, to which the CIA General Counsel stated “Circumstances arising out of an experiment undertaken in the course of his official duties for the U.S. Government”. For more information, see the following links here, here, here and here.

  12. Pregnant Women seeking Abortion vs Texas (Residents vs The State)

    Texas enacted a law to make abortion illegal after six weeks (for article, click HERE). Modeled after Texas, Oklahoma recently passes law for abortion to be illegal (for article, click HERE). For more detail in regards to options and the limits the Texas law entails, see the following links from Planned Parenthood and general information from NPR. Not being able to have a say over what you can and cannot do to your body that you pay for, protect and maintain is preposterous. Entities having the audacity to overstep in governing your sexual health, body, function and civil rights reeks of self entitlement, delusion, and tyranny.

  13. Governor’s brother news station (Citizen’s Rights vs Governor/City official)

    CNN anchor Chris Cuomo was fired for using his media and influencer advantages to aid his older brother, Andrew M. Cuomo, the now former governor of New York against an innumerable amount of sexual harassment accusations. Accepting to assist his brother, Chris C. violated journalists’ rights in order to discover material most likely to help intimidate or incriminate the alleged victims to drop the charges. One of the texts from Chris to Andrew’s aide was “I have a lead on the wedding girl”, referring to Anna Ruch, one of the victims filing sexual harassment against Andrew, accusing him of kissing her at a wedding. (For more content, see here, Article 2 here, and Article 3 here).

  14. Woman says “No” and turns down persistent guy who wants to date her (Florida woman vs Apartment super who had keys to her place)

    “Medical examiner confirms body found in wooded area in Orlando is Miya Marcano".” CNN, click HERE for article. 19 year old, Miya turns down advances from Armando Manuel Caballero, a maintenance worker at the Arden Villas apartments. His disgusting inability to accept rejection led to Marcano’s murder as he accessed her apartment, without permission and before she arrived home, to assault her. Florida has enacted 'Miya's Law,' in order to mandate background checks for building workers (for article, click HERE), but honestly I don’t think that’s enough. More precautions need to be established to guarantee the safety of its tenants.

  15. Son murders mother to inherit money (Family dynamic troubles)

    “An aspiring rapper sought fame and fortune. So he had a hit man kill his mom to inherit her savings, prosecutors say.” Washington Post, click HERE for article. When this was viral, social media kept mentioning how loving his mom was and how much she spoiled him. People can do us wrong no matter how much we do for them.

16. Eldest daughter used by family to live a lavish lifestyle

Young woman disowned from family after putting her foot down and establishing firm boundaries for being financially abused. Click HERE for article. And click HERE for direct TikTok video.