Being Forced or Persuaded to Forgive is Martyrdom...

You can easily spot someone who doesn’t care about you, when they beg or guilt you for your forgiveness. Forgiveness isn’t something that needs to be provided every time. You can literally move on from a situation, event, or occurrence and not forgive anyone. Only users and abusers wish for you to forgive them for their misdeeds. Even punishable laws are not forgiven for the crimes committed, they are instead pardoned— which is not the same. The person who has offended you, your honor, your feelings or what have normally did so intentionally. It is up to you and you alone that has the right and authority to forgive them. Note, when or if you forgive the person or party that requires it, know two things: 1. the action, words, or feelings have been dismissed— whatever happened is the ONLY thing(s) that are given a clean slate; anything or repeated offense after that is not. 2.

Manipulation speech:

  • Forgiveness blocks the energy to love: Now this is an extremely obvious phrase from a user who is supporting an abuser(s). When these stupid bitches state this to me, I immediately am reminded of the many people who have pretended to lie, cheat, steal from me and assassinate my character because they didn’t forgive me for leaving them when I knew they were toxic. Those people lived off of me and profited off of me and found relationships, grew families and cultivated a community under the assumption they “don’t forgive” for not tolerating their abuse. So therefore, this is a bullshit line used to emotionally and socially threaten me in order to allow further abuse into my life. Notice if you were a divorced woman or man encouraged to forgive your partner who is manipulating the system, in order to get alimony and other fees for him/her and his/her lover. The person is telling you, you won’t receive love until you forgive your ex is silly because who are they to guarantee that you will find another person to be in a relationship. News flash, they can’t and it’s not their place to put that suggestion in your head. I’ve seen older women and men go on to be alone after forgiving their exes and they felt and looked miserable. I personally think, it’s because they forgave their exes or whomever. Now, in order for me to have love or let love in requires me to LOVE MYSELF— and I do that, every fucking day. So whether or not, I find somebody, I love my fucking self. Love has been withIN me. Thus, when people say that other guilt-tripping bullshit, I’m not phased by their stupidity but I am disgusted of it. Forgiveness is for you to offer FOR them — you don’t have to forgive anyone. It can literally be an “it is what it is” then move forward through your life. Forgiveness, isn’t what isolated me—- third parties and oppressors did that when they threw stones, stalled social plans, mocked me, said “I’m crazy”, and lied on me. Sharing my forgiveness only for people who deserve it, is what keeps me safe and secure.

    Some of the things, people say to coax or guilt you into forgiving them or others:

  • Lack of forgiveness, means you lack empathy.

  • Forgiveness is for you.

  • Release your burdens and forgive them.

  • If you want to be forgiven, then you should forgive others.

Victims of forced forgiveness are slain, either literally or metaphysically:

  • Jesus

  • Rappers (I noticed a lot of rappers that begin talking about forgiving their enemies are shortly murdered or trouble chases after them. Again, I believe forgiveness are reserved for those who have not harmed you and did instigate trouble that endangers or endangered you)

The gist is, do not wish them the best or well or release until you are ready to do so and unless you even want to. Forgiveness is for THEM, not you. Do you really want that person to be released from the bullshit actions they INTENTIONALLY and REPEATEDLY done to you?

LIFESTYLELove Bees Honey