Abusers, Users and Allies

Abusers, Users and Allies





These are people who are only happy for you when they can use you. You can generally tell a user by their words and actions. They are not necessarily mean but they do not have your best interest, at the end of the day. In this instance, the Tub Guy was only rooting for Truman as long he stayed a character inside the fake town. He becomes very disappointed and angry when “the series finale” ends, as Truman, played by Jim Carrey walks out into the real world.

Users can form a very, very toxic bond to you, not all, but there are people unable to separate fiction from reality. Think of it like a child who sees Spiderman, some teens and adults will have a disconnect and assume you are the character or personality from whatever show/source and expect you to grace them with that same energy. Again, not all users will see it that way, but there are people who can trauma bond, or emotionally bond with you that can be so dangerous, they intentionally disrespect your boundaries. You may see this type of nature with celebrities. I myself, have witnessed it with gang stalkers, relatives, associates and strangers—- but I also have seen it abused by said celebrities who will use their followers to intimidate, attack, harass, harm others, or excuse the person’s nasty behavior. At the far end of the spectrum, are opportunist who are heavily involved ONLY for monetary gain, followers, false sense of power and favorable opportunities. Last but not least, are general users who are typically harmless and attracted to content, but can easily move on to the next topic or subject.

They eat, sleep, live and breathe you. Your pain is their pain— this goes beyond empathy, it’s instead a very possessive connection where their unable to differentiate between you and them.

In this scene, he is in fear of his beloved character being gone to live a long, happy and fulfilling life, where he cannot be surveilled and spied on. Truman would be FREE. at this moment, you recognize that the user was never really happy for Truman. Again, Truman serves a purpose where his feelings, mental and emotional health, and overall wellbeing is almost a NON-Factor. If Truman is depressed for too long then the user will become angry and more than likely trash Truman (as so many people who watch TV do— I’m no different in being observational) but the difference is these users have a disconnect. They intentionally ignore Truman’s pleas to privacy and a “normal” life and are greedy, controlling and self serving to want to stay connected to him at all times. If Truman’s pursuits were for freedom, they’d be TOTALLY against it. In terms of real life situations versus fiction, this is a very mentally disturbing and toxic crowd to be near. Contact with people like that who enjoy disrespecting or ignoring a human being’s civil and human rights should be avoided. It is borderline psycho energy.

His displeasure in Truman choosing freedom is off-putting but a very accurate representation of people who are similarly upset when individuals, who don’t harm others, do what’s best for them. A user should not be excited to see Truman pursue a long life mission to escaping or avoiding being surveilled — that’s very sick of the users and irresponsible and maniacal for the entities that have initiated this tyranny.

The security guards are more sympathetic as they cheer on Truman’s decision to exit the show. It is also apparent their interests are more cavalier, when one of them says “What else is on?” when the tv broadcast turns off. I was going to put the guards as Allies because they are harmless and do not necessarily mean Truman any harm, but I decided to keep them as users NEXT to allies. These are not wicked people, however, they unconsciously support a wicked agenda which monetizes Truman’s oppressor and affiliates’ pockets. Think of it like attendees going to a gladiator event, during Roman times. They are helping to funnel the abuse of captives and unwilling participants. Sure, they are cheering on the warrior but they’re also keeping that person subjected to cruelty and war-games without their consent. Thus why I kept them as users. If they instead protest against the oppressor and proxy, advocate for Truman’s freedom, support him and exemplify wanting him to be freed, than they’d identify as an Ally (which is basically, a humanitarian, or knowing that an individual’s human and civil rights’ are being restricted and manipulated).



I’ve mentioned opportunists but on the far end of the spectrum are humanitarians. Now these people, can also receive funding and opportunities for supporting and advocating my freedom, but they are doing so with the goal that I’m being freed and have justice (according to my definition). They are justly being paid for doing what they love and, or doing what’s right. These are different from opportunists in the most genuine and sincere ways. I do not hold against—- in fact, I support people who happen to gain followers or monetary gain for “doing honorable things” like not oppressing someone and harming or humiliating them for years just for laughs, ideas, lust, greed and ego boosts. Allies see the bigger picture and are able to think collectively and sympathetically because on multiple occasions, the activities performed with me have spilled onto the streets and social media elsewhere in other people’s lives (see ‘Don't Act Like It Can't Be You...’ HERE). How far are we going to let that happen before it seems too intimidating or difficult to stop? The proxy abusers and particular users have already allowed this to give abusers such an ego boost that it can ensue to murder— if not for me than definitely unsuspecting people we might know. The toxic behaviors have green lit powerful people, average citizens and celebrities to perform dangerous actions that have gone way too far. Call out my abusers and proxy, then hold them accountable for their past and current pursuits until they do what’s right, by immediately making amends to restore my privacy, cease harassing me, provide restitutions, and resolve all other conflicts that were done to me.

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